
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Late to the Party.

I am a little bummed right now.  I found out a few days ago the Orthopedic Surgeon I saw is retiring this month, and won't be performing my knee surgery after all.  Tonight was the Meet and Greet for a couple New Guys taking his place.

The letter Baylor Scott & White sent out really pushed one doc and only mentioned the second. I figured one was seasoned and the other was fresh out of doctoring school--and might even still be in his Fellowship. I seriously thought about skipping the Meet and Greet since I'm ticked at BS&W right now, and have been toying with the idea of taking my health care dollars elsewhere. But, after calm reflection and careful consideration,  I decided in order  to make an informed decision, I probably should at least go meet the New Guys. 

Reluctantly, I got all gussied up, drove to Georgetown, and found the place (at least I didn't have to go all the way to the hospital in Round Rock). 

When I arrived I spied  two docs with their lab coats on.  I skipped over Junior Lab Coat, who I assumed might not have any experience  hence just the letter nod, and belined for Elder Lab Coat,  who I presumed was the doc BS&W promoted more heavily.

Before I could get to ELC, he broke from his cluster of hangers-on...and nearly plowed me over getting to one of the 4 buffet tables--each laden with about two dozen sumptuous party platters of a wide varriety of food.

Well alrighty. That helped me narrow my choice. I would under no circumstances be using ELCs services. I mean, if he'd run a prospective client over to get to the pigs-in-blanket...

Now that decision had been made, I  turned and retraced my steps.  I stood apart from the smaller group surrounding Jr doc.  I did not want to interupt. I'd wait patiently, at least by my standards, until a lull in the conversation and I caught his eye.

However, as the minutes dragged by, and my toes started twitching, I was totally ignored.

Did I mention I'm already ticked at BS&W?  My being ignored was NOT endearing them to me. Quite the opposite in fact.  It was irritating. If you want to irritate me, ignoring me is THE quickest way to do it.

As I stood there, I realized their little clique did not include any civilians--the three of them were all  employees--and at least two were doctors.  In fact, as I surveyed the room, I realized almost everyone in the room wore BS&W nametags. I wondered if  I might have crashed the wrong function. 

About that time, the Three Musketeers broke up. I quickly stepped forward before another hangerback could step in,  and when Jr introduced himself, I must have had a blank look on my face, because he told me the newly departed Blue Suited Musketeer was actually one of the two New Guys. 

Of course, Blue Suit was now nowhere to be found.

In the process of rescaning the room, seeking the elusive Blue Suit, I saw my retiring Orthepedic Surgeon.  I walked over with a smile plastered on my face whilst I plotted his demise.  I pulled myself together as a smile of recognition crossed his face, and graciously wished him a Happy Retirement.  As I killed time chit-chatting with him, he was very complimetry of the new surgeon, and assured me I would like him.

Finally, Blue Suit reappeared.  I bolted for him leaving my almost surgeon with mouth agape. I cornered Blue Suit and introduced myself, thrusting my hand into his. Enough with this dilly-dallying!  He appeared somewhat flabbergasted. When he reciprocated and told me his name, it was my turn to appear stunned--he was NOT one of the Two New Guys I had come to see.  Blue Suit admitted he is in fact an Orthopedic Surgeon; however, his speciality is shoulders. Wrong joint.

Even though I was running out of options, I remained resolute:  Run Me Over Doc (aka ELC)  is not now, nor never will be,  an option. Maybe if he had run me over for Caviar...

A woman overhearing my  conversation with Blue Suit butted in (she reminded me of me).  It seems the doc I came to see was still in the OR. Little Miss Information Clearinghouse went to grab his information and card for me. BS&W done good when they hired my doppelganger.

I left, with glossy promo and business card in hand, thinking the evening was a bust in reguard to my now-not-so-impending-knee-surgery. 

But, all is not lost.  On my way to the clinic I spied a Catfish Parlour. Might as well get some coleslaw!

At first, I was miffed that the new Orthopedic Surgeon missed his own Meet and Greet.  I mean, the whole point was to drum up patients.  And I really put myself out--I even put on make-up and jewelry.  And a dress!  Then I figured it was probably just as well that I didn't meet him under less than ideal circumstances--most Surgeons have a personality that I have a hard time tolerating on the Best of days.

But as  I sat in the restaurant booth awaiting my spicy fried pickle appetizer,  I realized, I might like this MIA Doc after all....

He's obviously a guy after my own heart if he's late to his own party.