
Monday, August 31, 2020

Shut the Global Door

I'm spending less and less time online.

I don't like the "improvements" Facebook has made. I no longer see posts from Family and Friends--only strangers that share a membership in a common group. 

The "news" is depressing, sensationalized,  geared toward advancing every agenda imaginable rather than reporting truth or even legit news items in an unbiased manner. All sides are equally repulsive to me because of their sensationalistic tactics. 

I have not done the forced update with Twitter, and I haven't decided if I will.

When a game app forces me to watch 30 second video to play the next game, I stop playing that game--when the game does it frequently enough, I unload the app. There are too many replacements available to be forced to put up with that crap. 

I've lost my phone three times this past month because I no longer care about the phone.  I don'teven try to remember its location. When the phone is MIA the only thing I miss is the alarm clock, and the thousands of phots of Bandit it contains. I bought a photo stick to download my photos, and I plan to buy a plain ole battery opperated alarm the next time I'm in a store that sells them. That will effectively take care of those two problems. 

In short, I've grown disenchanted with All Things Tech and am cocooning more and more each day.

Luckily for me, I am an introvert and I like spending time with myself. Besides, I  have more time for reading, writing, playing with Moggy and The Girls, and when I want to have contact with faraway Family and Friends, I can still call or text. At least for now...

But it's still kind of sad that FB and the 'net are effectively closing the door on the global world I used to enjoy.