
Saturday, March 20, 2021

HEB Changing Directions Sermon

(Full disclosure: 
This was originally an FB post March 20, 2016. The knees are worse; however, the Truth remains constant.) 

Funny how God works sometimes....I started heading toward the HEB checkout closest to the produce department (and my SUV) and one of the ever helpful Employees redirected my to an empty express lane--at the far end of the checkout lines. Out of my way, but my knees are still good after my recent steroid shots, so I only grumbled a little bit under my breath.  "Besides," I told myself, "the extra walking is good for me." 

At the HEB checkout I realized I left my wallet in the SUV--parked on the other side of the parking lot.  I left my purchases at the register and took the mini cart to put it away, so another customer would be able to use it--they are always in great demand. Again, I only grumbled a little bit. 

Exiting HEB, by the door closest to the express lane (my original destination), I saw only one other mini cart was in the area--and it was turned the "wrong" way.  I grumbled under my breath about inconsiderate people making extra work for the employees by not taking the 2-seconds it would have taken to turn the cart around.  

I slid my cart into it and started to turn them both the "right" way when I noticed the other cart had more silver at the handle. 

You guessed it--someone had left their wallet. 

Turning around, I looked for the owner, but everyone was either male (don't judge my stereotypical thinking--that ladies wallet could have belonged to anyone, but statistically speaking, the odds were better for it belonging to a female), or they were empty-handed and going inside. Again, statistically speaking, the odds were greatest that the person who left their wallet had done so on their way out--likely with hands full of purchases. As quickly as those mini baskets get snapped up, I was sure they had just left. 

My dilemma:  I still needed to make it out to my SUV to get MY wallet, so I could hike back to the far express lane and pay for my stuff: however, if I did that before I turned the wallet in, the owner might walk past me. So, once again, I changed direction and went back inside.  

I found an Employee and asked for the Manager (the Service Desk where I normally deposit found objects was swamped). The Employee wanted to know "what department" Manager I wanted. I told her any Manager would do. 

A young man looking to be about 12 years of age (they get younger looking every day) introduced himself as one of the Managers, asked a bunch of questions, and took the wallet. Then, I finally made it to my SUV to get MY wallet and once again trudged back in to pay for my groceries. I grumbled a little bit less because I still glowed from the inner knowledge of doing my good deed. 

The point is, even though it was not MY plan, had I not been directed to the express lane farthest away from my destination, it likely would not have been me that found the wallet. It could have been someone equally honest--or it could have been someone that would use the situation to their advantage. I will probably never know if the wallet and owner are reunited, and that's okay. 

I did what I was meant to do. 

The bottom line of this afternoons HEB "sermon" is this:  Stop grumbling when your plan and Gods plan don't seem to be the same--God has us in specific places, at specific times, for a reason.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Doggie Bag Tired

Man-oh-man, what a week this has been! 

The whole week has been physically and emotionally draining. I've had to use my "mommy voice"  with, and think for,  far too many folks.  It's nice knowing I'm needed, but I'm ready to be less needed. 

My Supervisor said she thinks I need a bulldozer. 😮 

My response was, "Some might say I 'rollator' over everyone already." 😉

Yesterday, when I finally arrived home after work, I was so physically tired and emotionally drained I didn't even want to consider cooking.  The mere thought of making a sandwich was overwhelming.  

I finally decided my dinner would be a bottle of water and a small apple. 

I couldn't even polish off the apple.  

I ended up sharing it with TheGirls, then going to bed early. As I fed TheGirls small chunks of skinless apple, Moggy sat next to me and kneaded my leg. With his claws extended. 

He didn't want any of the apple--he just wanted my undivided attention 

Talk about a needy cat! 

Of course, after just a few hours sleep I woke  up hungry, so I trudged in to the kitchen in search of a quick, but filling, snack. 

When I opened the fridge I spied my Sunday lunch leftovers: 4oz steak (medium rare), half a sweet potato (fully loaded), and half the bread loaf.  I don't like soggy salads so I always finish them at the restaurant--one of the reasons my doggie bags are at least half of the main course. 

Back to the fridge:  I ate half of the half leftovers standing up.  

At the open fridge.  

Straight from the take away box. 

No nuking. No utensils. 

Tonight I'm less tired. But not by much. 

So, I finished the steak off. 

I did not nuke it. 

I'll leave it to your imagination as to whether or not I used utensils.  😉