
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

So, The Cowboys Lost, Again.

Since the day they were dubbed "America's Team," the Cowboys have been the Susan Luci of professional football--the team we most love to hate.

But how many of the haters, and armchair QBs, bashing the 'boys, have actually ever qualified to play on a professional football team? 

While I'm waiting for a response, consider this:

The life of any public figure has got to be difficult--every mistake, mis-step, missed attempt, wrong placement, penalty, failed completion, inexperience, lack of finesse, harsh word, past-their-prime moment, zit, blemish, wrong doing, speeding ticket, bad date, error, or poor judgement of ANY kind is on display.

On National TV.

Replayed and dissected internationally.

For days.



Even years to come. 

It's hard, nay--impossible--to live up to any ideal of perfection.  The self-doubt must be grueling. No amount of money to play a game can compensate for the kind of mental anguish they place on themselves. Let alone the guilt the media and "adoring fans" heap on them. Whether they "deserve" the criticism or not. 

Like it or not, every single Dallas Cowboy has earned the right to critique their team mates; however, the rest of us--especially the armchair QBs and haters, have yet to earn anything even close to the right to voice our criticism.  

Have a little grace.

A little class.

Or just be quiet! 

Unless of course, you actually HAVE qualified to play on a professional football team. 

Still waiting...
