
Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Best Laid Plans

So, today did not go as planned....

I awoke early and set about cleaning. Not exactly my most favorite way to spend the third day of a three-day holiday. But it was the needful thing to do. 

Did you realize today is Emancipation Day?  It's also colloquially known as Juneteenth. 

Being Texans, my family has celebrated Juneteenth my whole life--even when we lived outside The Great State. However, not everyone knows about, or celebrates Emancipation Day.  

Case in point: back in the '60s, I was floored when my Florida classmates didn't know about the significance of June 19th. 

And more recently, last week in fact, right here in Texas, an an African American coworker confessed he did not realize it was now a Federal Holiday (in his defense, it's been a State Holiday for years). 

I had been contemplating a three-day get away, but nothing close enough jumped out at me. So I thought I would just hop in the old SUV and take a leisurely day trip. Alas, the state-wide heat advisory kind of "dampened" my enthusiasm, so in the "cool" of the morning I set about doing some long overdue cleaning. 

No sooner had I mopped the floors, The Girls tracked in leaves and dusty paw prints from the back yard. The weeds are green but they don't really form a lush carpet between the foot/paw and the dirt beneath the green. 

So I re-mopped the floor. 

When I reached in the fridge for a "cold one" reward, I found only one DDP. Ack!!! Major Disaster!!! 

So off to WallyWorld I went. 

I recently paid off all my credit cards and am back to zero balances. A huge feat considering last year was a surgery-rich year (my knee, and both eyes, as well as KatE's ear--and her redo ear).   Because I was finally back to zero balances, and I was loathe to making any CC purchases, decided I would only replenish my DDP stash and cleaning supplies. 

And I would limit my purchases to my cash onhand. 

It would be a quick, inexpensive trip. 


Two new outfits, cleaning supplies, a few groceries, spring water for The Girls,   DDP for me, and a few odds and ends later I returned home. 

With a CC receipt. 

Only to find in my absence The Girls used their oversized water dish as a splash pool. Their dusty paws were now leaving puddles and muddy paw prints on my clean floor. 

So I cleaned the floor yet again. Then I set about unloading the Wally-haul. All went well.

Until I placed the last DDP in my handy-dandy DDP dispenser--and I lost my grip. 

Normally when I drop my DDP I simply pick it up, rinse it off, then set it aside to "settle" before I open it. But today was not a normal day.

It exploded.

Sticky DDP spewed all over my relatively new outfit (I bought it a month or so ago but had only worn the cropped pant one other time). 

Tge DDP was not content to make me sticky...oh no, it also made--you guessed it--my floor sticky. 

So, lest you think I have now mopped my entire home 4 times this morning, I will clarify: the leaves and dusty pawprnts were in the back hallway, the splash bowl puddles and muddy pawprints were in the open  space, and the sticky DDP shower occured in the kitchen--therefore, I really have only mopped the "entire" home twice. 

However, at this point I'm a frazzled mess, who is not thinking logically or clearly. In fact I have burst into tears, stripped off the DDP staining clothing, and pretreated them. 

After mopping the kitchen--
again, I went to bed. 

Not exactly how I thought I would spend my Emancipation Day. But on the bright side, I have cold DDPs in the fridge.

And clean floors.