
Monday, April 6, 2015

E is for Easter (A to Z Blogging Challenge 2015)

I love Easter!  Bunnies, egg hunts, dressing up, and parades are all a lot of fun. But Easter's really not about a bunny, a bonnet, or a parade. It's about the blood, the burial and resurrection, and being born-again. (The alliteration inspired the following as yet un-named poem, I've got a fourth stanza that just isn't working meter-wise.)

Easter's not about a bunny
who hides some painted eggs.
It's not about a bonnet
sitting on a woman's head.
It's not about a parade
of fantastic sights to see—
It's about The Fathers love
and my Saviors death for me. 

It's about the blood that Jesus shed—
that covers all my sins.
His burial and resurrection means
He is alive again.
And If I were the only one
to ever accept His grace.
He'd do it all again for me—
He'd willingly take my place.

I hope you know my Savior.
He wants to save you too.
It's really very simple—
here's all you need to do:
Acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord,
confess your sins to Him,
then open up your heart—
and ask The Savior in.


  1. Hi from the A to Z Challenge! What a nice way to celebrate Easter. I hope you had a great day.

  2. I did, thank you-I hope yours was blessed as well!
