
Monday, April 13, 2015

K Is For Kill: A Crude First Attempt at Colgyrnach (A to Z Blogging Challenge 2015)

While participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2015 I came across a form of poetry I had never hear of:  Clogyrnach (clog-ir-nach). Colgyrnach has six lines with a distinct syllable and rhyme pattern:

The last two lines may be combined into a single line; however, the rhyme-syllable pattern must remain intact.

I’ll be honest, I prefer the last line to be combined. Even still, it trips up my tongue. Up until the final line it tastes like a Limerick (which I love). I’m going to play with this and see if I can come up with something better, but for now here is my first crude Colgyrnach attempt:

Monday Quitting Time Colgyrnach
My mind is frazzled as can be
Mondays are going to kill me
O’er details galore
My poor brain will poor
—‘til  at four,  I will flee.

BTW, I'm cheating and using the "kill" in the Colgyrnach as my "K" for today.


  1. Popped over to see if you'd tried the Clogyrnach! It's fun!

  2. It is. It's kind of Limerick-like (I love patterned meter like Limericks and Haiku), but I need to practice it more to get the hang of it. Especially the last two (3meter each) lines. I know what I mean--but I don't think it comes across. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Ack! I just saw the mistake in the pattern above. It's supposed to read:

