
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

S Is For Sleep, Short and Sweet (A to Z Blogging Challenge 2015)

Too many late nights mean the post today is short and sweet—and I can’t think of anything shorter than Haiku or Limerick—or more fun.

Sleep Haiku
presence requested
please come visit me tonight
elusive slumber

Sleep Limerick
Each night I’ve been unable to sleep.
I’ve tried warm milk and counting sheep.
Without some rest soon
I’ll go looney-tunes
And fall right off into the deep!

When I walked Bandit this morning I thought of a really cute Limerick—but I didn’t take paper and pen—and of course it’s hiding from my mind now.

This blog post is my contribution to the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2015, in which bloggers from around the world representing every skill level and interest, blog every Monday through Saturday during the month of April, using the letters of the alphabet as their inspiration. Tomorrow is T,  and as usual,  I'm clueless as to what I might write about....

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