
Sunday, April 26, 2015

V Is For Vacation (A to Z Blogging Challenge 2015)

I'm a little bit late with my "V" post. For simplicity I chose to write a poem. None of my favorite forms wanted to participate so I wrote a non-rhyming acrostic about vacation. It's one of my favorite topics so I'm not sure why nothing would come. Maybe because T stood for travel and I had just written about last summers epic vacation--and maybe because I am clueless what I want to do this year--no timeframe, no ideas and sadly no money. Whatever the reason, I was unable to do justice to the topic. Here's my non-rhyming vacation acrostic:

Non-rhyming Vacation Acrostic

Vacation time is almost here
Alluring is its lack of responsibility
Calling me to a time of ease
Alluding to retirement
Tantalizing and tormenting
If only it were that easy:
Out of the office=
No cares

This blog post is my contribution to the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2015, in which bloggers from around the world, representing every skill level and interest, blog every Monday through Saturday during the month of April, using successive letters of the alphabet as the daily inspiration.

Tomorrow is "W" and as usual, I am clueless what I'll write about. Words With Friends, Work, and Writing are all possibilities, but nothing is screaming to be written yet...


  1. Great acrostic for Vacation. Yes it is like a preview of retirement - if you make sure to prepare for it!

    1. Thanks Donna! I agree--you have to plan. It's one of the things I do with others and have really been looking at for myself. I try to have a "Plan B" as well, because you never know what's going to be thrown at you along the way! :~)
