
Friday, May 22, 2015

Even I'm Not Sure How I Got From HazMat to Hotties and Chargers.

I'm thinking I may need to call the HazMat Team for a house visit. 

I came home and found Someone had thrown up on the floor. And Someone tried covering it up with one of my red heart shaped pillows.  I'm inclined to believe that Someone might be the very same Someone who drug that very same pillow into the litter box a week or two ago. 

Poor Moggy. He was extra hungry this morning so I gave him two 3oz cans of kitten food. I may have overdone it. He's eating his diner (one can) okay now. We'll see if he tolerates it tonight. 

Bandit is looking kind of smug, self-righteous, and extremely innocent right now. I'm wondering what I haven't noticed with his paw print on it yet. 

I, on the other paw, have been a very good girl. I have!  I just finished mowing the jungle I call my side yard. Gone are the knee-high Wildflowers. Now you can see closely cropped weeds and rocky soil. This weekend may be a home improvement kind of day. I wonder if some handyman hottie will pick me up at Lowes and remodel everything  for me for free, and catch it all on film for some cable TV show. It could be called:   Hottie For Hire. 

Oh, wait--I forgot, I'm a liberated, DIY, '70s girl who said I didn't have to wait for a white knight on a  charger to  sweep me off my feet and take care of me. 

Hmmm.  My muscles may let me know what they think of that long ago commitment in the morning. 

Until then I'm thinking an ice cold DDP is in order. 

And, I wouldn't mind having a new charger--they are looking kind of retro-cool this year. 

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