
Sunday, January 31, 2016

An Ordinary Life

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox. January 31, 2016 prompt:
"Last Line:  We started with a first line, so let's wrap up our month with a last. Give us the final sentence, paragraph, or chapter of your life story."

An Ordinary Life
My final sentence is:  She lived her ordinary life extraordinarily. I'm average. I may be slightly above average in a few categories; however,  overall I'm pretty everyday.

I'm the worker bee behind the scenes getting the work done while the beautiful people receive accolades for the same work, and in some cases, less work. Although I have been nominated for VA Woman of the Year. (I lost as expected--but I was truly honnored just to be nominated.)

I'm usually cheering and applauding as the parade passes by--except in High School when I was in Band, or since I've started walking Bandit in the Barkus Parade in NOLA.

I'm usually watching TV or listening to the radio rather than appearing on them--except when I was  interviewed by local radio stations in New Orleans and DeFuniak Springs Florida. Or when I was on local TV in Panama City Florida. Or national TV during a Rangers game (I didn't know I was on the jumbotron until a friend texted me she just saw me). Bandit and I have also been on the jumbotron at the Atlanta Braves games every time we've attended a Bark in the Park game--and our first game I played a game and won a vacation at a casino resort and a Braves goodie bag.

I've never had a newspaper byline, but I was interviewed by the Durant Democrat when Bandit and I attended a Rangers Dog Day game. And I made the Belton Journal front page in a color photo as a part of my Church Choir during our annual God and Country concert.

I've not become the globetrotter I wanted; however, I have lived in the Azores, and visited England, France, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Israel (twice), and I've driven to or through about 40 states, stopping and exploring wherever I had the urge.

I've not become a beach bum or retired to my mountain cabin in the woods (accessible only by hiking in or helicopter)--but retirement is still a few years away.

I've not become a mega star; however, my daily shower concert is SRO.

I haven't skydived....yet.  But if the former President I refer to as Daddy Bush can do it in his 70s or 80s I still have a couple of decades to join the club.

I never climbed Mount Everest, but I fell off a cliff.

I never became a race car driver. At least not officially--but a dozen or so cops might beg to differ.

Overall I've lived an ordinary life by many standards, but I think my ordinary life has been extraordinary.

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