
Friday, January 13, 2017

May The Sixes Be With You

Last night Erin hosted Bunco.  I love playing Bunco at Erins house. I sit at the head table rolling sixes the whole night--almost--I was dethroned twice. I ended up tied with  Lou.  We had a roll off.  The sixes decided to leave us. We threw several rounds of roll off before I finally was victorious. 

After I win Linda tells me to go straight home and not to go spend my winnings at WalMart. She knows how tired I've been and I do have a rep for late night shopping--winning Bunco or not. But I  had no intention of running any errands.  I told her, "the FurKids have food and I have Diet Dr Pepper.  We're good."  And I meant it.  It's been a hard forever and I'm in a constant state of exhaustion.

My plan was to go directly home feed the boys and crawl into bed.

I made it all the way home and waa preparing to park before I thought of something I desperately needed. It couldn't wait until today.

So off I went to the HEB gas pumps.

When I pump gas I make it end on a full dollar amount or quarter change (25, 50, or 75 cents).  That way I always know if the charge on my statement is for goods in the store or gas at the pump (unless I'm traveling, I  only get gas at WalMart or HEB). I usually have to adjust tge amount to make it end uo tgat way.

Without having to adjust the amount the pump popped off at $25.25.  It was the equivalent of rolling Bunco sixes. I continued my hot streak of rolling sixes. I hope everyone has that kind of day.

May the sixes ever be with you.

Unless you are in a Bunco roll off against me. 😉

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