
Friday, January 20, 2017

My Aspiration: Cool Neighbor

I'm working my way up from Friendly Neighbor to Fun Neighbor.

My goal is Cool Neighbor. 

During my cleaning this week, I found the long lost treat bags I prepared for Bandits "Treat or Trick" (reverse trick n or treat where we take treats to Bandits pet friends).  I can't remember the reason we skipped this past year.   Anyway, I came across the treat bags.  The candy was toast. But Moggy liked the cat nip  (and Bandit stole it from him and played with it as well). I almost threw out the two small bottles of bubbles because candy had melted on them.

Then I remembered the new guys.  My neighbors from one of the  Carolinas.  They were playing outside when I came home tonight, so I asked the Mom if the kids could have them and she said yes. 

Instant Fun Neighbor.  😁

I know I have sidewalk chalk somewhere--if I find it I may get a bump up to Cool Neighbor.

Or maybe not--I did lay down a couple rules with the bubbles:

1) no bubbles blown on Mama's car, Daddys truck, or my SUV.

2) when Braden spilled the bottle, his Mom said "Not a problem, we can make some  more."  But then he poured the rest out on purpose--still not a problem, I had given them the bubbles so they were theirs to do with what they please. 

But then he decided to "cry" about it--before Mom could say anything, I popped up and told him "You can not cry when you pour it out on purpose."  He stopped crying immediately. 

He really is a great kid. They both are.

So, since I make and enforce rules, Cool Neighbor may take a little longer to achieve. 

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