
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Thanks for the Reminder Elvis..."It's Now or Never"

Lately there have been far too many deaths in my circle of family, friends, and FB Friends:  my Aunt Margie, my Aunt Gwen (a little bit farther back), Betsy's Mom, Curtis' Dad, Rhonda's MIL, a Choir Member, multiple  Church Members,  HS classmate Tim, other classmates relatives: a Brother,  a BIL, another Mom, another Dad; people I work with now (and at former facilities): a Coworker, a Coworkers Wife, a dear Veteran who was also my favorite WalMart Greeter, (I know I'm not recalling all who have died within the past 2-3 weeks)...and the list goes on... 

For several I had just recalled a funny or sweet memory, and thought I need to touch base with them--just see how they are doing and let them know I'm thinking of them. 
In a couple instances I actually called or sent a card.  I'm so thankful I did.  It took all of 20 minutes to pick up a card, jot down a memory or two, and run it by the post office. I had to be in all those places anyway, so it wasn't even an inconvenience.

But in far too many other instances I waited too late, thinking, "I'll do it later..."
Tell someone you love them today. Don't love them?  Share a funny memory.  Don't have any memories? Ask how they are doing--and really mean it--and be prepared to rejoice with them and their good fortune, commiserate with them in their despair, or just acknowledge their presence. 

There may not be a later.

In fact, live your life as if your life  were the title of a song...don't hold back, don't forget to reach out and just say "hey" to an old friend, help a new coworker, or just smile at a stranger you pass on the your life as if  "It's Now or Never."

(I hope the link below works--it's for Elvis Presley's version of "It's Now or Never.")

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