
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Brotherly Love

So I'm getting ready for bed and Moggy walks into the bathroom and starts patting my leg to get my attention. He's  been outside all day and most of the evening, plus his litterbox is clean, so I'm pretty sure he's okay potty-wise.  He finished the first can of catfood in record time, so I opened a second can. He became sated about halfway through the second can.  He's not crying in pain or moving in a guarded way, so I'm pretty sure he's just attention seeking.

Being the doting FurMom, I oblige. It will just take me a little longer to get ready for bed.

A few minutes later Bandit enters.  He's also been outside recently, been fed and medicated, and is attention seeking. Of course I stop what I'm doing to love on my sweet little man. Sleeping is overrated.

Moggy has had enough so he leaves and goes to stand behind the door. After a few minutes of petting Bandit, I send him to bed so I can finish getting ready.

Moggy comes out from behind the bathroom door he has been hidding behind. They sniff each other and I think how nice it is they are being more civil to each other lately. Moggy hasn't bitten or swiped his paw at Bandit in a couple weeks.  It's as if he knows Bandit is not feeling tip-top and he's going out of his way to be sweet. Once again I intertain the hope that they might one day love each other and behave like  brothers.

I realize how delusional I am as Moggy reaches out with his paw--not to swipe at Bandit--but to slam the door shut after Bandit exits the bathroom!

The cat is smart as a whip, has a wicked sense of humor, and is not shy about expressing himself.

So much for Brotherly Love. Civil Roomies is looking like it's good as it's gonna get. 

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