
Friday, April 3, 2020

The Mask

So I went to my normal monthly B12 injection today. I was met at the door by a masked woman wearing gloves and a gown, wielding a digital thermometer.  As she took my temp (97.3F as always), she asked the screening questions I answer most mornings to gain entrance to my job at the VA.  She noticed my eyes were watery, and my voice raspy, and since I told her, "yes--but it's just allergies" to the cough question, she booted me to the second line evaluater.

 The Charge Nurse came and ageed with me, it's just allergies.  She said I could sit on the "well" side of the waiting room--which actually had a divider sign between the well and ill sides, and had chairs spaced 6 feet apart. However, I had to wear a mask until I left the clinic. 

 Not a problem. I appreaciate the caution.  Even if I was the only person in the clinic waiting room. Which I was.

 I don't know if they realized what my dentist and dental hygenist know, or if they just picked up the wrong mask, but they gave me a kids mask! (You wouldn't think a big girl like me would have a small mouth but  I DO!!!) Anyway, not only was the mask CUTE!  But it FIT better than the adult masks I use at work!

I wish I knew how to attach the photo to this blog post. If you're one of my FB Friends you can see it there.

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