
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Temporarily Untethered

I am untethered--at least for the short term. The donut has been replaced. I can once again take a trip and drive at highway speeds. 

I cannot tell you how much that donut has cramped my lead foot day triper style this past weekend.  Especially since it occured over a holiday weekend.

I probably could have requested another loaner from the dealership, but I didn't want to press my luck. Two loaners. Two months in a row. To replace my SUV while they made lightweight repairs for which they typically don't give out loaners. I'm a good customer, which is why it was approved by management for the battery last month, but even I would have a hard time asking that favor again...for a tire. Especially since they ate the total cost of the replacement tire thanks to road hazzard insurance. 

Besides, instead of needing transportation overnight to go to work (both times), it would have actually been a five day loaner this time because they had to order the tire over the holiday weekend.

Nope. Didn't want to press my luck for those odds. 

I stayed home except to go to work and the pharmacy. And I only drove on the slower surface streets. I'll save the loaner favor for another car crisis.

Being stuck at home was actually a good thing. No projects were completed, but I got some much needed rest.

I had good project intentions. However, the clothes and linens still need to be washed. The house still needs to be cleaned. The unfinished projects remain unfinished. And I rested so much I lost a day--I woke up Monday thinking it was Sunday.

Since I slept so much,  I also managed to avoid any online purchases, although when I was awake sorely tempted me.

Today, after I lost the donut, I treated myself to a Route 44 DDP at Sonic.

As soon as I pulled into my slot a sheriff drove up behind me. Reflexively I yanked my foot off the floorboard even though I was already parked.  Some reflexes remain ingrained--even though the candles on my cake could keep a small village in good light.

Was it coincidence? Or did this LEO know my tire was fixed and I was itching for a ride on the open highway? Did he know I sometimes drive a little faster than the donut allows? Did he have access to a dealership snitch?  Am I still on the speed radar even though I've been keeping my nose clean and my foot riding a little lighter on the pedal the past couple years? Is there a ticket rotation--kind of like the Jury Duty rotation--and is my number up?  Again?  Is my SUV marked as a habitual speeder? Was he sniffing out the donut residue?

The questions flitted through my head at a warp speed Scotty would have beamed over.  They continued to buzz my brain until I saw the Trooper slide effortlessly into a street facing slot, roll down his window, and place his order.

He'd be at Sonic for a while.

Because I've seen the police working in tandem on Main Street the past few months, I was relatively sure another might be lurking nearby. On the way home I drove 5 under just to play it safe. 

I also kept my eyes on the lookout for new hideyholes, and avoided making the acquaintance of a local guy. The zippy little sports car that passed by wasn't quite as wallflowerish.

I may stay  close to home another day. Even with the new tire.  I might have to employee  a  voluntary self-tethering.

I can endure one more day of long as it's temporary...and I can untether again... 

For a longer, faster drive...and another DDP.  😉

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