
Friday, July 23, 2021

Critter Visitor

A critter visited my  'hood this morning. I initially drove by, then realized it was NOT one of the neighborhood cats Moggy terrorizes.  

I backed up a couple houses so I could snap this photo. 

The photo did not reassure me--I can't decide if it's  a sliver fox,  or if  Wile E. paid a visit. 

I prefer it be  the smaller grey fox since they usually feed on berries, grubs, and small furry woodland creatures--not family pets--especially since Moggy decided to be an outside cat this morning.  But I have learned what I want, and what is reality, are sometimes mutually exclusive. 

When I last saw Moggy, as I entered my SUV, he was slinking around in hunt mode.  I figured he was after a bird. Or squirrel.  Or even a lizzard or toad.  He was moving stealthily toward, the vacant lot that seperat my privacy fenced back yard my around-the-corner neighbors.   

When I turned the corner and came upon the vacant lot, i grew concerned. Even if I knew where Moggy slunk off to, he doesn't come when called unles shis tummy is rumbly.  

He had just finished off a rather hearty breakfast and was not looking to obey me. 

All the way to work, and throughout the day, I hopped and prayed Moggy kept himself out of the critters reach. 

I say critter because I'm still undecided as to what exactly I saw thus morning. The tail is bushy enough to be a grey fox,  but he is larger than the foxes I've seen around town, and his face looks more canine-ish to me. 

The good news is:   Moggy is safely inside and does not have any evidence of having been in a fight. Today. 

So, what say  ye:   grey fox or coyote? 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Independence Day Parade Preparations

So....I've been waiting for Main Street to start filling up with pick-ups and pop-up tent frames, and the odd flatbed trailer.  They usually start flooding Main Street and Central the end of June. 

The banners are up. The flags are flying. A couple places have been roped off. Even a couple port-a-potties and risers have been set out. The COB (City of Belton) barricades have popped up, so Belton's Finest can block off the streets a little before the parade. But the preperations are nothing like years past. 

Well...I happened to be downtown. 

OMGOSH!!! That's where everyone is! All the way from the Courthouse  down to Sonic (unless the route has changed I think Sonic is just past the end.)

Anyway, not only is every square inch already spoken for, vendors have already set up. And pop-up tent frames, flatbeds, and pick-up trucks are no longer "enough."

People have started renting cherry pickers and window washing risers!!!

Who rents cherry pickers and window washing risers for a parade? 

Too many people for this introvert. I'll stay inside with my AC and watch it on the TV. 

Happy Independence Day!