
Friday, July 23, 2021

Critter Visitor

A critter visited my  'hood this morning. I initially drove by, then realized it was NOT one of the neighborhood cats Moggy terrorizes.  

I backed up a couple houses so I could snap this photo. 

The photo did not reassure me--I can't decide if it's  a sliver fox,  or if  Wile E. paid a visit. 

I prefer it be  the smaller grey fox since they usually feed on berries, grubs, and small furry woodland creatures--not family pets--especially since Moggy decided to be an outside cat this morning.  But I have learned what I want, and what is reality, are sometimes mutually exclusive. 

When I last saw Moggy, as I entered my SUV, he was slinking around in hunt mode.  I figured he was after a bird. Or squirrel.  Or even a lizzard or toad.  He was moving stealthily toward, the vacant lot that seperat my privacy fenced back yard my around-the-corner neighbors.   

When I turned the corner and came upon the vacant lot, i grew concerned. Even if I knew where Moggy slunk off to, he doesn't come when called unles shis tummy is rumbly.  

He had just finished off a rather hearty breakfast and was not looking to obey me. 

All the way to work, and throughout the day, I hopped and prayed Moggy kept himself out of the critters reach. 

I say critter because I'm still undecided as to what exactly I saw thus morning. The tail is bushy enough to be a grey fox,  but he is larger than the foxes I've seen around town, and his face looks more canine-ish to me. 

The good news is:   Moggy is safely inside and does not have any evidence of having been in a fight. Today. 

So, what say  ye:   grey fox or coyote? 

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