
Sunday, March 24, 2024

It's a Thing?!

Who knew eating while exercising was a legit way to get your steps in?  

I thought the bad of the one would cancel out the good of the other. In fact, I wouldn't have believed you if you had told me it was legit. 

At least not until I saw it with my own two eyes.

Two turns from a state highway I spied them: two  middle-aged women decked out in workout clothes--not just athleisure wear--they were not just out for an afternoon stroll in the 'hood.  They turned off the state highway into the neighborhood.  They wore full-blown, "we're serious about our health," head to foot , honest-to-goodness, gym-worthy,  workout gear. 

They both carried food.  Or at least food containers.  I'm pretty sure the food inside the containers was not rabbit food. Or food they were taking to a shut-in, or under-the-weather neighbor.  For those kinds of food deliveries you wear your Sunday Best. But not your Funeral Black--that is saved for formal funeral occassions, such as Church held viewings and actual funeral services. 

One woman carried an unidentifiable box. I'm not sure why my mind went immediately to brownies, but it did. Maybe it was the loving and overprotective basket she made out of her arms. Or maybe she watched football and knew to protect her precious cargo, lest it be stripped from her arms and stolen.  

The other woman munched  as she walked and talked.  I don't know for a fact what she was eating, but her hand was inside a rumpled family sized bag of chips.  The chips were the brand "so good you can't eat just one," according to their ad man. I personally prefer thicker cut chips with ridges myself, but when that "can't eat just one" ad came out during my childhood, it was the only brand I recall ever eating. And they were right, I couldn't eat just one. But unlike this woman, I hid my weakness inside, rather than parading it around the neighborhood. 

Okay, maybe I shouldn't be so judgy. It could be her decoy bag, her 30-mile reward bag, or her recycle bag holding her cut veggies--I use empty food containers for snacks, leftovers, and work lunches all the time. 

Just because you see me eating from a tub marked Bluebell, doesn't mean I'm actually eating the best icecream ever made.  

Not while I'm walking around the neighborhood anyway. 

However, I'll make the sacrifice...I'll give munching as I walk a try--if only to test the theory that it will increase my step count.

All to further The Science.  😉

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