
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Forgotten Story

I have a friend that keeps me in stitches. She's not a plastic surgeon or a seamstress. She just finds herself in downright hilarious situations. All the time.  In fact, just about every time we get together she regales me with one of her self-depreciating stories about deer middle schoolers, drive-through banking bungles, or her infamous Home Depot Date--she didn't pick someone up at the Home Depot--her date TOOK her there! On purpose. I'm telling you, when she tells her latest tale of woe, I weep

Last night was such a time. As we talked and laughed by telephone, I howled with laughter and squirmed in my seat in an attempt to avoid wetting myself.

At one point she said to me, "Please don't tell anyone about this."

Silly girl.

And then realizing to whom she was speaking she amended her plea to, "When you write about this, please don't use my real name."

Now that I have her permission to write about the incident--I'm punch drunk with fatigue--and I have totally forgotten the story!

So, to my anonymous comedic friend (whose initials start with--no, I promised I would not identify you, so I won't), please PM me a few key phrases so I can recall your story.

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