
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Moggy's Foot Fetish

I think I've mentioned before that Moggy (my rescue kitty) appears to have a paw fetish. I originally based this on his fascination  with annoying the heck out of Bandit (my 10 y/o Chinese Crested) by lying in wait and swatting Bandits paws as he passed by. 

I confirmed it when Moggy started attacking my own feet after a much needed pedicure. At first, I erroneously thought it was just the scent of the bright color he was attracted to; however, As the lotion scent faded and the polish chipped, Moggy continued in his single-minded fascination of all things pedal. 

In dog fashion, he has chewed a pair of high heels I used to wear. He has carried my socks from room to room and even hidden a couple. And of course he continues to lick my toes and swat Bandits feet. 

If that were not convincing enough, today, I can testify beyond a shadow of a doubt that Moggy does in fact suffer from a paw fetish because at this very moment he is consumed with an obsession for the necklace I wear.  

Some might wonder what a necklace has to do with a foot fetish. Others might say he's attracted to the shape of the asymmetrical heart, or the shine of the metal. But I know better. 

You see, within the sterling heart "Silver Pet Print Texas" made for me is Bandits paw print. 

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