
Friday, January 20, 2017

My Aspiration: Cool Neighbor

I'm working my way up from Friendly Neighbor to Fun Neighbor.

My goal is Cool Neighbor. 

During my cleaning this week, I found the long lost treat bags I prepared for Bandits "Treat or Trick" (reverse trick n or treat where we take treats to Bandits pet friends).  I can't remember the reason we skipped this past year.   Anyway, I came across the treat bags.  The candy was toast. But Moggy liked the cat nip  (and Bandit stole it from him and played with it as well). I almost threw out the two small bottles of bubbles because candy had melted on them.

Then I remembered the new guys.  My neighbors from one of the  Carolinas.  They were playing outside when I came home tonight, so I asked the Mom if the kids could have them and she said yes. 

Instant Fun Neighbor.  😁

I know I have sidewalk chalk somewhere--if I find it I may get a bump up to Cool Neighbor.

Or maybe not--I did lay down a couple rules with the bubbles:

1) no bubbles blown on Mama's car, Daddys truck, or my SUV.

2) when Braden spilled the bottle, his Mom said "Not a problem, we can make some  more."  But then he poured the rest out on purpose--still not a problem, I had given them the bubbles so they were theirs to do with what they please. 

But then he decided to "cry" about it--before Mom could say anything, I popped up and told him "You can not cry when you pour it out on purpose."  He stopped crying immediately. 

He really is a great kid. They both are.

So, since I make and enforce rules, Cool Neighbor may take a little longer to achieve. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Nothing to See Here Folks

Nothing wrong here.  Move along.  Nothing to see here folks

Frantically searching for my readers, I  could not find them anywhere.  And yes, I patted my head down to ensure they weren't hiding from me in plain sight. (Pun intended.) It was plainer than merely being on top of my head--when I found them, they were right there under my nose. 

Or rather, right there on top of my nose!

Deciding I must need brain food, I traveled to the kitchen, wherein I fixed myself a bowl of my favorite cereal: grapenuts.  I like them best when they are moist, but not soggy. First step, pour cereal onto the plate.

Plate?!  Funny, I don't feel overly tired. And I haven't had any medicine or strong drink--not even a glass of wine.

Yep, nothing to see here  folks.  Just a girl losing her mind.

Friday, January 13, 2017

May The Sixes Be With You

Last night Erin hosted Bunco.  I love playing Bunco at Erins house. I sit at the head table rolling sixes the whole night--almost--I was dethroned twice. I ended up tied with  Lou.  We had a roll off.  The sixes decided to leave us. We threw several rounds of roll off before I finally was victorious. 

After I win Linda tells me to go straight home and not to go spend my winnings at WalMart. She knows how tired I've been and I do have a rep for late night shopping--winning Bunco or not. But I  had no intention of running any errands.  I told her, "the FurKids have food and I have Diet Dr Pepper.  We're good."  And I meant it.  It's been a hard forever and I'm in a constant state of exhaustion.

My plan was to go directly home feed the boys and crawl into bed.

I made it all the way home and waa preparing to park before I thought of something I desperately needed. It couldn't wait until today.

So off I went to the HEB gas pumps.

When I pump gas I make it end on a full dollar amount or quarter change (25, 50, or 75 cents).  That way I always know if the charge on my statement is for goods in the store or gas at the pump (unless I'm traveling, I  only get gas at WalMart or HEB). I usually have to adjust tge amount to make it end uo tgat way.

Without having to adjust the amount the pump popped off at $25.25.  It was the equivalent of rolling Bunco sixes. I continued my hot streak of rolling sixes. I hope everyone has that kind of day.

May the sixes ever be with you.

Unless you are in a Bunco roll off against me. 😉

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Not exactly the sound I want to hear in the middle of the night. Yet, the crash awakened me, thanks to a certain inquisitive rescue who shall remain unnamed lest he receive secondary gain by way of internet notoriety.

What he does not know, is that simple candlestick lamp with the multicolored ribbon shade is my favorite lamp of all time.

I bought it broke, and I fixed it. Twice. And I'll fix it a third time.

I am armed with Gorilla Glue, so bring it Rescue Kitty.  I will prevail!

Now, if I can just find my clamps....