
Saturday, June 1, 2024

New Set of Friends?

I may  have a new set of friends. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my old friends, and am not in the market for replacing them.   However, remember a few months back I started receiving calls from Lloyd, Gilly, and Randy? 

They were all attempting to confirm plans they were making with Brenda. 

Unbeknownst to Brenda--or them--they were getting my  voicemail. 

They sounded like a really fun group of friends. They liked playing board games, and card games, eatting out, and they were starting to attend a quilting class. 

I liked them. They sounded like good, salt-of-the-earth people. 

I mean, they kept including Brenda/me in all their plans, even though she/I appeared to be pretty much blowing them off. 

They never gave up. They never got bent out of shape. Although the last time Lloyd called, he did sound a wee bit frustrated. 

I felt really bad for Brenda, since she was not receiving, or returning any of their telephone calls. I hoped they weren't expressing frustration with her in person. 

So, when Lloyd sounded frustrated, I finally broke down and let him know they had been leaving messages on my phone. 

I assured him I really enjoyed their calls, and they could call anytime, but they might want to check with Brenda to get her correct telephone number. To ensure they actually reached her. I envisioned the conversation they would have, and Brenda's response. 

Sadly, that was the last I heard from them. 

However, I may have a new set of friends: Alice has started calling Shirley. Or visa-versa. I got the message mixed up. 

It seems the one will be unable to provide the other a ride someplace on Sunday because the driver is going to the Corn Hill then Seton picnics. Two picnics in one afternoon? Sounds like some mighty fine Church vittles might be had. 

I know Seton, but had never heard of Corn Hill. So I Googled it. 

Corn Hill is a small ghost town, in what is now the small town of Jerrell. 

When the train bypassed Corn Hill in 1909, some residents moved to New Corn Hill. Now, the only thing remaining is the cemetary.  The last remainder of Corn Hill (the original) was a hotel. 

But I digress, I did not want Shirley (or Alice) to be stranded come Sunday, or a falling out to occur because of the potential stranding and lack if message response, so I called and left a message. 

Actually, I left two. 

When I called a second time, my message asked if Shirley (or Alice) knew Lloyd, Gilly, Randy or Brenda.  

I'm thinking Shirley (or Alice) sounded like they might have the same background (e.g.  regional accents or speech mannerisms), so they may all be in the same small community. 

Maybe their common Church or Senior Center Directory has a typo in the phone number for Brenda and Shirley (Alice).  

Or maybe Brenda and Shirley (Alice) are related and use the same phone. 

We could all  be friends.  We've already exchanged cell phone numbers.  Sort of. We live fairly close. We speak the same good ole Country Boy/Girl language. We like games, arts and crafts, small town country life. And we like eating out.  

Lloyd, Randy, Gilly, Brenda, Alice, and Shirley could ne my new posse. 

We could have game nights, diner out,  and start our own quilting bee. 

(BTW according to Google, "the word bee was used in colonial America to refer to different types of communal work that benefited neighbors.")

Maybe I can introduce my old friends to the new friends. They are all good folk. 

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