
Friday, September 6, 2024

Testing My IT--ness

I'm just testing out the editing. Last time I was here I didn't like it. Seems like it is still the same.  Wait...

I punched a bunch of keys and my auto correct seems to be working again, and the font is one I like.  Maybe I fixed it? 

It would seem my computer skills are sharpening themselves. LOL. 

Because I haven't got a clue how I fixed it. Just like at work today. 

Everyone in my workgroup got booted out of our main program, and I was the first one back in. LOL I said it was because I was insistent (code for impatiently  tapping ALL the keys--not waiting to see what, if anything, was the result), and most importantly, I used the Mommy Voice. LOL. 

IT probably just had a fix rollout that started with me. Because I'm pretty sure anything I did/did not do was ineffective.   

And here on Blogger it's still acting up. Next test will be to see if I can compose elsewhere, and copy/paste it into my Blog. It wasn't allowing it before...

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