Behold: My 2022 Planner !
The Blog Of the "Mother" of Bandit.
About Me

- Loulymar
- My bags are packed and I'm always ready to seek out an adventure with Bandit and Moggy in tow. Bandit is my thirteen year old Chinese Crested, who I frequently call The Bald One or The BaldOne Boy (like he was one of the Baldwin Brothers). Moggy’s full name is Pip-Moggy. He’s my two year old gansta-resuce kitty. I couldn’t decide between Pip (which are the spots on die and domino tiles) and Moggy (or Moggie when I mistakenly thought he was a she), so I combined the two. Moggy refers to the British term for "cat of unknown parentage .” So in essence, I have an almost bald dog, and I’ve named my cat “Spot.”
Fun Stuff (I'm doing now or have done)
- Artistic Attempts weekly (alternating between Painting With A Twist, That Art Place, and Peniot's Palette).
- Bunko with the Belton Bunko Babes monthly.
- Participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
- Spades and Liverpool Rummy with the Spadetts weekly.
- The Mighty Texas Dog Walk, Austin (fund raiser for Service Dogs, Inc--they train shelter dogs to be Service Dogs, then give them free of charge to people with disabilities.)
Thursday, December 30, 2021
The Decision
Behold: My 2022 Planner !
Thursday, November 25, 2021
I Am Thankful
I am thankful for Family and Friends who see my flaws and love me anyway.
I am thankful for a fulfilling job that allows me to make a difference in the lives of men and women who have fought for the freedom I enjoy.
I am thankful for all of my needs (e.g
home, food, clothing, SUV, etc) and many of my wants being filled.
I am thankful for FurKids and their unconditional love which reminds me of Gods TRUELY unconditional love.
I am thankful for God sending His Son as the blood sacrifice for my sins, and His free gift of salvation to all who will believe and receive it.
I am struggling with this one, but because I am to be thankful in ALL things, I am trusting God as I am thankful for ALL leaders and those in authority over me--because I KNOW that GOD is in control, and He can use ANYONE to accomplish His goals and bring glory to Himself--even if they don't recognize it or even WANT to be used of God.
I am thankful.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
The Plan Almost Became Reality.
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Following Directions
You likely are not shocked by that revelation if you know me personally, or have read anything I've written. I claim both my parents had a bit of those qualities. So you might say it's in my DNA--except, truth be told, it's a choice. 😉
When one of my former Social Workers defected to another VA, she gifted me with a small "Break the Rules" poster. I follow that advice. Almost daily.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anarchist. I believe there is a time and place for rules. Rules can help guide us, keep us safe, provide utilatarian structure, or further aesthetic artistry, etc. I'm not a total rebel.
For instance, I like following the order of holidays. To that end I believe it's good to prepare for upcoming holidays, but not at the expense of rushing through the "lesser" holidays leading up to a major holiday.
Because of this I rarely shop far in advance of the next holiday--just this week I decided not to purchase Halloween candy because Halloween is still "too far away." Besides, next week is Columbus Day.
However, there are also times when the rules make sense and should be followed.
For the record, this slightly rebellious rule follower thinks the rule of "A-B-C-D" is much more eye-pleasing than the jumbled mess of "A-C-B-D"--at least when its applied to Christmas tree assembly.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Bare-nekkid Technique
The logic behind this practice is kind of like keeping one hand dry and clean while dredging chicken prior to frying said chicken. When practiced correctly, the gummy batter--mess is contained and minimized.
In chicken dredging, the gloved hand would be the dry hand dipping the chicken into the dry seasonings and coating. The bare nekkid hand would be the gummed-up hand dipping the chicken into the egg, buttermilk, or wet batter.
He then proceeded to hand my drink and food order to me--using--you guessed it--his ungloved hand!
Obviously he has never dredged chicken.
I really wanted to educate him on the purpose of the gloved hand--hint, it will not make the wearer "MJ" cool--but I didn't have the time I knew it would take.
Besides, most people use gloves incorrectly anyway during this Age of Covid.
In order to be effective, gloves must be removed and replenished with clean gloves after each and every contact with potential contaminants. And your hands still have to be washed with soap and water (or a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer in the absence of availability of soap and water). During the Age of Covid, to use gloves in any other way renders them useless--and in fact, increases the probability that germs will be spread.
Moral of the story: Bathe your hands after each potential contamination, and use your gloves correctly--or allow your hands to be frequently bathed as they run free and bare-nekkid.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
As I reached out to open my back door, I noticed two things: The car wash last night missed a smudge, and when my hand approached the locked door it did not unlock.
As for the locking mechanism, not unlocking occurs for any number of reasons: The key is too far from the handle. The clicker battery is waning. Or, my favorite: the door desires my actual touch before it allows itself to be laid bare and vulnerable. Okay. Maybe not.
When my hand tapped the SUVs back driver side handle, and there was still no tell-tale pop of an unlock, and the door immediately swung open, I realized I had in fact left my Lincoln unsecured. Again.
Alzheimer's is going to be so much "fun" at my house! That is, if I can still find my way home.
BTW, did I mention I actually have a Ford?
Yeppers. I broke in to someone else's SUV. Thankfully it was empty. And just as thankfully, that cute couple who offered their assistance were not around to become my unwitting accomplices. Or witnesses against me to the PoPo.
Friday, September 10, 2021
The Stabbing
The warning started out as a minor annoyance. Stubbornly I refused to give in to fear and alter my plan just to appease The Warner. After all, I had a right to be there. My self-appointed mission was to rid the area of the unwanted--the undesirable--the unproductive. I would cleanse the area. I would be victorious. Right was on my side. How then could I fail?
Simple: I would not fail.
I did not see the blade. But I felt it's sharpness as it sliced through my skin as easily as a hot knife battles a stick of butter.
My precursory examination revealed a 3.5 inch superficial scratch. The wound was not adjacent to any vital organs. Though it was intended to warn me off, it only galvanized me. I deepened my resolve. I would conquer the enemy. I would succeed. I would...
Become woozy.
And notice the blood pooling at the end of the "scratch."
In that moment of heightened clarity I realized I had actually been stabbed.
Perhaps I am not as invincible as I thought. Perhaps even Right experiences setbacks. Perhaps I better become less philosophical and get about the new tasks at hand: ensure my personal safety and survival.
I quickly scanned the area. The enemy had retreated. Safety. Check. Now, to ensure survival.
I doused my wound with the only liquid I had: my beloved DDP. I continued to bleed. But the edges of my wound were straight, even, and did not appear to be gunked up. I didn't think I would require stitches; however, if I did, I was confident the surgeon would have good material with which to work.
Oddly I did not feel pain. Just that initial awareness of a scratch. Could I be going into shock so soon after being wounded? I thought it unlikely, but picked up the pace just in case.
As I applied clean paper napkins and pressure to stanch the flow, I whispered a quite "Thank You" for every take out and drive thru attendant who obviously thought I am the messiest diner in the the history of dinners. I decided I would henceforth endeavor to be less dismissive of their generosity. I would graciously accept all the napkins they tossed at me.
If I survived this ordeal.
Emergency averted, I became angry. This attack would not go unanswered. I would stand my ground. My task would be completed, and this attack would be avenged. Once the blood loss slowed, and my initial shock at being attacked passed, I sought out the culprit.
It took a few seconds. Everything appeared normal. Innocent.
But then I spied the evidence of my attack. Still on the tip of the blade of my smaller Red Yucca: my blood.
I completed my task with a newfound vengeance. And I relearned a valuable lesson...
I'll take time to put on long sleeves when I weed the larger Red Yucca next.
Or hire the job out.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Nightie Pockets
So yesterday I bought a cute retro camper/tent camping sleep shirt with assorted woodland animals. When I realized it had pockets I laughed. Who needs pockets in a sleep shirt?!
Tonight after work I came home, fed Moggy his cat food, watered plants, put TheGirls outside for a potty break, nuked a couple taquitos for dinner, grabbed a DDP (breaking my new goal of only 1 DDP a day--which I have been very successful in abiding for several months), put out TheGirls dog food, changed into the cute new sleep shirt with the useless pockets, and put the phone on to charge--that's when I realized I was supposed to pick up Rx refills at Walgreens.
What to do? What to do? Put bra and real clothes back on? Wait until the second reminder text tomorrow to pick up the meds? Or break the new nightie pockets in.
Today was a labor intense day.
I left 2 hours after my shift was over--and still didn't complete all my tasks.
Yes, what to do...
Needless to say, the Pharmasists, Pharm Techs, along with the Neighbors across the street (and their visiting Friend), now join the neighbors on either side of me, and a couple previous fast food drive-thru workers in seeing me in my night clothes.
And since I am on this side of town, I'm going to run the SUV through the car wash as soon as I pick up my meds. We'll the CarWash Guys to the list.
Nightie are not just for WallyWorld anymore. And the pockets came in handy after all.
"My People" are branching out and invading every establishment.
Monday, August 23, 2021
The Value in Worthless Leaves
My hands were full. Or maybe I didn't have time to stop and remove the leaf. I told myself, it's acting as mulch, keeping moisture in and heat out. Maybe the Swiss Cheese plant--whose leaves are still whole--likes its roots to stay cool. Kind of like roses. Besides, leaves are biodegradable right? It's probably adding some much needed nutrients.
So I left the useless withered leaf in the potted plant without giving it much more thought.
The next time I watered my plants the leaf was gone. The wind had brought it to my front door, and later blew it away. No big deal.
A few weeks went by and another leaf was blown into the pot. Again, it was brown and crinkly. Useless, except as mulch or plant food.
This occured a few times over a couple months. Each time I saw the leaves, there occured a small niggling sensation in the back of my mind.
Almost all of the leaves on the trees in the neighborhood are still green. Some in my back yard are turning yellow. Only a few of the yellow leaves have actually fallen. And none of the fallen are as old and brittle as the leaves that are being blown into my potted plant. The wind must have blown these leaves in from a far off spot.
Or maybe they are "mulch" from a neighbors yard. 😉
Tonight as I watered my plants I noticed another leaf had blown into the pot. With this much fairly regular traffic, my "sheltered" area apparently isn't as sheltered as I thought. As soon as the water hit the leaf, it startled--which in turn startled me!
My leaf was none other than Mr.Toad!
Toads are great critters to have in the garden. They have a voracious appetite and can consume ten thousand slugs, bugs, gnats. and skeeters in one summer. I welcome any animal, amphibian or not, that gets rid of skeeters and gnats so I can enjoy relaxing outside. Mr. Toad looks like he could very well be an Insect Eating Champ. He has the physique of one who has obviously let his figure go to "waist." Can we say "skeeter Buda belly?"
Since I want to encourage Mr. Toad to take up permanent residence here, I have started looking at frog shelters. Thus far, I have only found two I've liked. One looks like a gnome cottage built by the Artist Owner of That Art Place during one of her clay building classes. I've considered taking one of her clay building class--she usually hosts one each month. Unfortunately, my schedule and hers have not meshed. Case in point, her next class is on a Saturday I'm scheduled to work.
The second frog shelter I like is one my Garden-Buddy ordered online. I can't be a copy-cat and get the same one. Well, I could; however, I'm not.
The most important characteristics I am looking for are a bottomless structure to allow for burrowing in the cooling mud or earth, and a frog shelter that is Moggy-proof. I really want it to have a back door. An escape hatch as it were. Or a vestibule a cats paw can not get around. I would be heart-sick if my Toad SafeHaven turned into Moggy's private SnackPantry.
So I'm on the lookout for a Toad Abode worthy of a king--or at least my new Prince.
Nothing is too good for my worthless leaf. 😉
Monday, August 9, 2021
My Personal B Slasher Flick
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Facts and Stats said Massachusetts reportedly has a 69% fully vaxxed population. If true, Massachusetts likely leads the nation in the race for vaxxers and herd immunity.
Interestingly, the article went on to say basically what the CDC report I'm sharing says (medscape reported even higher percentages; however, I"ve linked the CDC report since it's what the article was based on):
Of the 469 Barnstable County, Massachusetts folks who recently tested positive for COVID-19; a whopping 346 (74%) occurred in fully vaccinated people.
Let me repeat: 74% fully vaxxed folks. contracted covid.
On a positive note, only 5 of the 469 Covid positive people, were actually sick enough to require hospitalization.
Repeating: only 1% required hospitalzation.
The media bombards us with stories about the hospitalized being almost exclusively the un-vaxxed. HOWEVER, the CDC reported that of the 5 Covid positive requiring hospitalization, FOUR were fully vaxxed.
Repeat: 80% of the Covid positive, in this particular study, who required hospitalization were fully vaxxed.
There were no covid deaths reported.
Repeating: 0% fully vaxxed and 0% un-vaxxed Covid deaths.
274 of the 346 fully vaxxed who tested Covid positive were symptomatic. The remaining Covid positive were asymptomatic (without symptoms).
Repeating: 79% fully vaxxed, Covid positive showed signs of being ill. The REMAINING 21% of the fully vaxxed, Covid positive did NOT show signs of being ill although they were.
I'm NOT disputing severity of covid, and I feel deeply for those affected by it. I'm just saying the EUA vaccines are not the end-all solution everyone is pushing to be mandated.
The EUA vaccines do exactly what they said in the very beginng they will/will not do:
1. The current EUA vaccines will NOT keep the vaxxed from contracting covid. (74% were fully vaxxed)
2. The current EUA vaccines will NOT keep the vaxed from transmitting covid. (79% fully vaxxed Covid positive were symptomati, and therefore COULD take precautions against transmitting. HOWEVER. 21% fully vaxxed Covid positive were asymptomatic--and therefore totally oblivious.)
3. The current EUA vaccined WILL reduce the symptom severity, and likely avoid death when you contract Covid. (Only 5 people required hospitalization. No deaths. HOWEVER, of the 5 hospitalized, FOUR--or 80% were fully vaxxed. The media would have us believe the vast majority of those contracting Covid, and the Covid potistive requiring hospitalization are the un-vaxed.)
The CDC says their report is "insufficient" to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of these EUA vaccines against Covid. That's true--since the beginning of time, well at least since the first statistical reports--ALL research articles end with a disclaimer saying something along the lines of, "more research is required." The statement sparks interest, leads to increased funding and research, and additional independantly corroborating research lends validity to findings.
Just so, you know, Massachusetts is not alone in this: Colorado is experienceing a similar high number of fully vaxxed people contracting Covid.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Blowing Up
I'm going to blow up.
Has nothing to do with the day I had at work (my 24th year Anniversary BTW 😀).
Or having to circle the block before one of the cars, parked and empty in the curbside space, moved.
Nope. Not even any kind of emotional outburst reason.
I'm going to blow up because I bought a cheese burger and fries from Whataburger, and the fries, took me back to the McDonald's fries of my youth...
Remember them?
They were deep-fried to perfection: crisp outside, tender inside, and best of all...sprinkled with that supper fine popcorn salt!
Oh man! Pure comfort food heaven.
But my ankles are gonna blow up.
Today it's totally worth every last milligram.
Friday, July 23, 2021
Critter Visitor
Friday, July 2, 2021
Independence Day Parade Preparations
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
The Bad Daughter
I try. I really do. But I forget. Far too frequently. When I do manage to remember, it's usually in the wee hours of the morning. So I tell myself, "I'll text her when she gets up." And being The Bad Daughter I am, I forget.
When I left this time Mama said, "Text me every time you stop."
I laughed and said, "I can't promise that I'll text 'every' time I stop, but I'll text you when we leave the hotel in the morning, and again when I stop to visit Alicia and Bill. And I'll try to remember to text you when I'm safely back in Texas. I love you!"
As I drove away I got the giggles. You see, I am my Mother's ornery, prankster Daughter. I come by it quite naturally since I get it from her.
But I'm also a woman of my word, and I did exactly what I said I'd do.
I texted her when we were packed and leaving the hotel the next morning.
My goal was to prepack the night before our departure and leave by o' dark-thirty the next morning.
Didn't happen. I like my sleep too much and I was too tired to pack. Besides, I hate partial packing because it leads to repacking.
I use my own blankies in the hotel room, and pack them on the seat between The Girls travel beds while we travel. They make the entire back seat a comfy cozy haven with multiple soft resting spots for The Girls who are teathered in for safety. The FurKid Boxes and my overnight bag go in the back, along with my rollater. Moggy's carrier goes on the front seat next to me, with the water cooler and a basket or tray to keep all the things I need enroute handy.
I considered what I could prepack...
Prepacking the FurKids:
If I take diaposable bowls for food and water, I can chunk them along with the disposable litter box, potty pads, and any fast food wrappers or fresh fruit peels/cores I accumulate. I bring a small trash bag for each day, and a large trash bag for the end of the trip litter box dump. If I pack up the FurKids stuff, except their leashes, collars, vest harnesses, (all required for the actual driving portion of any trip), one toy each, a small bag of treats, brush, comb, and their breakfast. And I keep out the cleaning supplies for any accidents and a final swiffer of the floor and wipe down of the hard surfaces to pick up cat hairs--so few places allow cats, I strive to leave no cat hair behind so as to not wear out our Cat-welcome. Let me see, that means I can pack up and place in the car: pretty much nothing related to the FurKids
Prepacking me:
I can place my dirty clothes and overnight bag, in the SUV. Except for my travel outfit and morning toiletries. But then I have to remember to place both the overnight bag and the dirty clothes bag on top, so I can easiltly add my morning toiletries and sleepwear to the appropriate bags. Since that's inconvenient, I typically wait until the morning of departure to pack my bags.
I also travel with my cooler for extra water and DDPs--most Sonic and Whataburgers have DDPs, but not all McDs do. And other drive-thru chains think Diet Dr Pepper means non-diet, or worse yet, diet coke. They even think Diet Pepsi means diet coke. Diet coke is just pure nasty. I will go without before I drink diet coke. The cooler obviously stays out until we hit the road.
In addittion to the cooler, I travel with my garden tote (to get cuttings from Mama's garden). Cuttings remain in the hotel as long as possible--they go into the SUV right after the cooler, and just before the FurKids due to their fragility.
Last, but not least is my very important TEA/BEA.
That is my Tray (or Basket) of Easy Access:
The TEA/BEA houses treats for meal stops, so I'm not tempted to feed FurKids unhealthy people food. Leashes for enroute potty breaks. An atlas or free state maps picked up at Welcome Centers (to be used in spots where we have no phone service, or GPS Girl and Google Guy have a difference of oppinion about the route--they fought it out in the middle of a National Forest just before I lost all service one trip so I said I would settle the fight. I went old school and pulled out Mama Map/Auntie Altas.). The TEA/BEA also holds reservation confirmation emails, shot records (and destination emergency vet address/contact numbers) for the FurKids, our itinerary when we are going someplace new. And of course my wallet keys, phone, and tablet preloaded with audio books for the trip--because of course, I wasn't thinking when I saved my audio books to my tablet, and my reading books to my phone--and the phone and tablet are not synced! Back in the day, the TEA/BEA also housed the actuall audio book CDs checked out from the Public Library. Since the TEA/BEA sits atop the Cat Carrier, it can't be pre-loaded into the SUV either.
So, Plan B was to wake up by 6am, shower, pack the SUV and leave by 9am. Check out was 11am. That's usually when I manage to leave. So being ready to leave by 9am was a best case scenario. It hinged on two things: Me actually getting up at 6 am, and Moggy not hidding under the bed--his favorite Morning of Departure Game. I texted Mama just before I turned in the room key. It was 0845. My new "Best."
I also remembered to text from Alicia's home. I even added photos of Alicia and her garden. Alicia and Mama have a little plant growering competition. I kill almost all my plants, so the two of them leave me in the dust as it were.
My visit with Alicia lasted much longer than I had planned. As a result, I did not arrive at the Texas state line until 10pm. Which was around the time I had originally told Mama I thought I would be arriving home.
True to my word, I texted Mama that I had "arrifed safely back in Texas." I was counting on her to assume I was back home. Knowing it's been years since she left Texas and she likely wouldn't remember I still live five hours inland.
So I texted the times I told her I would: departure, Alicia's, and Safely Back in Texas. And I was truthful, albeit expecting my words would mislead her. But the reason I giggled when I left her drive?
I drove to the end of her street, and at the stop sign, I texted her from my very first "stop."
Yep. Very. Bad. Daughter.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Saturday Brunch
LOL I'm so forgetful...
I love Saturdays. For one thing. I turn off the alarm and allow myself to sleep as late as the FurKids let me.
Since we are all sloths-in-training the other 6 days of the week, you would think that would mean sleeping until noon.
Nope. I get up earlier than normal.
So I feed the FurKids, put them out to potty, and bring them back inside.
Then I go back to bed and nap until noon. 😉
The second reason I love Saturdays are the posts I see of the elaborate breakfasts, or pricey coffees everyone else enjoys.
his past Saturday I decided to take a photo of my own brunch. Only I forgot to post the darn thing.So here's my Saturday brunch...a partially deconstructed pizza. I just needed some onion, garlic, and anchovies to make it perfect...😉
Mini Zoo
Saturday, March 20, 2021
HEB Changing Directions Sermon
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Doggie Bag Tired
Monday, February 8, 2021
Addicted to Naps
Friday, January 22, 2021
Third (Fifth) Time's A Charm
The first real appointment (the second after the first late afternoon "emergency" work-in) resulted in a snow day cancelelation and subsequent reschedule. Given the option of one week out, or two, I went with two since #29 had lost its voice, and, silly me, in the middle of a pandemic, I actually entertained thoughts of a holiday roadtrip during the first week.
Number 29, a party-pooping homebody, vetoed that idea.
The hoped for road trip did not materialize as 29 refound and raised its voice to a crescendo that rivaled the roar of the loudest aircraft ever built: the XF-84H. It was so loud it could be heard 25 miles away, and it's endearing nicknames included "Thunderscreech" and "Mighty Ear Banger"--the turbo jet, not Number 29
Until Number 29 became its twin.
The drugs were effective. Mostly.
At the rescheduled appointed time Number 29 revealed an over abundance of virulent fluid. After six failed dry-off attempts, and failure of the root-tip to be vizualized on multiple photo shoots (my roots run deep--and apparently curl better than my hair), we decided on an additional reschedule.
We were hopeful that this re-reschedule, the fifth appointment, would put an end to the seeminly never ending pedicure, and we could get on with the tiara.
I went home to complete the drugs.
Today was in fact the fifth appiontment, counting the two emergency work-ins, but I'm counting it as the "charming" third actual visit.
Although it's now filed under the Win column, it was not an easy victory.
I correctly predicted it would take 3 packs to staunch the flow today (we stopped last visit after six packs and no signs of letting up). And I lost count after ten unsuccessfully attempted x-rays aimed at capturing the entire root on one film, to ensure insurance understands the problems encountered. In addition to being exceedingly long and curling, my roots are apparently quite camera shy.
We finally succeeded.
This time I had to resort to the bite block and multiple applications of the anesthetic--but the root canal (pedicure) is completed. Finally. The smaller abscess in a side pocket where I previously lost a chip of tooth near the gumline, and the gyser inside the root canal are both drained and dry. The temporary crown (tiara) is in place. The permanent crown impression has been sent off and its coronation will occur in a couple weeks. I'd send you a formal invite, but the coronation room is a little too small due to current pandemic physical distancing limitations.
However, after the procedure, I did go straight way to Walgreens to replenish my motrin stash. Just in case...
Monday, January 4, 2021
Water Woes
Each time I pick up that watering can I remember "you get what you pay for." You see, it was a cheap can. The handle is hollow on the underside causing it to bite into my hand each and every time I use it. I really dislike that can, but I'm too tight with my money to buy a new, more expensive, watering can when this hand-biting bucket is perfectly capable of preforming the job.
I've considered wrapping tape around the handle to close the gap. I've also considered stuffing the gap with part of a pool noodle or other foam product. Or recycled packing material, or even a rag. I know I have something that will work. Although I develop back-up plans for back-up plans at work, I never get past the planning stage of fixing that watering can. But that's a whole different blog post.
Anyway, I bent over and reached for that awful can and, because Murphy loves me--or rather, because I failed to fully plan or consider the consequences, as I picked up the full bucket, my wallet, hanging on the chain around my neck, with all my cash, credit cards, gift cards, business cards, single emergency check. TDL, and voters registration card fell in the full bucket of rain water and got soaked.
There is always a silver lining: thankfully, this mishap did not occur in a dirty bathroom.
It also forced me to declutter my wallet. And now all my cards are squeeky clean. And only my signature on my voters registration card smeared. Even the other paper products dried quickly, and since they were spread out over every horizontal surface in close proximity nothing stuck together. Really, when I stop to think about it, I have no water woes to write about.
Except the water mishaps continued--just a little.
During lunch, ice flew out of my glass when I added splenda to my tea. Not a big mishap. Just a small peice of ice. The resultant melt was easily contained with a paper napkin. Which ensured my ability to wipe down part of the table where I laid my cteadit card. Everything else remained at home. Drying.
While my next water woe was not technically mine, I'm including it in the list. Partially because it occurred within my personal space. But more importantly, I needed a third woe.
Not to be outdone, my water clutziness rubbed of on our waiteress, who dripped tea on the floor when she attempted to refill the glass.
Okay, so it did not really occur in my personal space. It was my lunch partners tea, and the spill was within my six-foot physically distanced perimeter. So I'm counting it.
While brain storming titles for this blog post, I googled water. I know: how lame. But I learned I've been drinking water wrong. Everything from the type of water, to the amount of water, to the way water should be drunk. I've been doing it wrong my entire life. Don't get all smug--according to the articles, everyone--including you--has been drinking water wrong.
I used to de-stress by reading while taking a nice long soak in a warm bubble bath. I'd love to partake of that wonderful ritual right now with an icy DDP.
But I'm afraid the water woes might get real and cause me unreparible bodily harm. So I'll stay dry and de-stress with just the cold DDP instead. At least I hope to stay dry--while spilling even a drop of my DDP would not be a true water woe, it would constitute a hydration hazzard for this "pepper."
Saturday, January 2, 2021
Paying Respects
KatE barks back and stays lazer-focused on the TV. She also has the best hearing, and barks when the neighbors, or their dogs, go into their back yard...or the kids across the street come out to play...or a delivery is made at our front door...or she hears a squirrel. She can hear a squirrel no matter how stealthily is moves.
Her Mama, Kenzie, is a little less excitable--except with the squirrels. She doesn't allow too much of anything to interrupt her beauty rest. And she is dead weight when I need to move her out of my place so I can go beddie-bye each night. She is the fastest sleeper I've ever known--going from settling in to dead sleep in sixty seconds flat. Or less.
While Moggy does not react to outside visitors, or most TV shows, I have caught him playing in my books and actively watching nature shows...and travel shows involving the beach--in particular serene beaches without crashing waves.
Knowing The FurKids like to watch the occasional show, I try to leave the TV playing softly on a timer when I'm expected to be away for long stretches of time . Softly so they are not inundated with sound. And on the timer, because I set the timer when I first bought the TV, and quite frankly, have forgotten how to undo the settings I set--when the TV goes off while I'm a show, I simply over-ride the sleep setting by turning the TV back on.
Since The FurKids like the occasional show, I was not too suprized when I heard a stylized version of Taps playing on the TV during a funeral scene and saw KatE sitting at attenton watching it. I thought it was sweet and my heart melted a little. I was in another room and did not have access to my phone/camera, otherwise there would be a photo to accompany this post.
As soon as Taps ended, KatE eased into a heads-up down position and continued to watch the credits roll. She evidently has discerning taste in what she watches, because when the ads started she put her head down and went back to ignoring the TV.
Until the next show started and her head poped back up for a look-see.
The entire time KatE watched the Taps presentation, Kenzie was snoozing, and Moggy was in the other room with me.
I don't believe in consequences, and I can't really say KatE was actually paying her respects; however, the timing was pretty cool...😉
Friday, January 1, 2021
The Travelin' Cat
When Bandit and I first rescued him, Moggy was like most of the cats I've been the servant of--yowlingly vocal about his dislike for traveling in the SUV.
The small confines of the cat carrier and potty breaks while harnessed and on the leash--which only occasionally worked at the hotel--and never in route because the traffic noise spooked him, soon gave way to the blanket wrapped crate (which restrained scratched litter from freely flying throughout the SUV). For the comfort of His Royal Catness, one of his travel litter boxes was tucked away in the back of the crate, and one of his cat beds took up the front half of the crate. While the crate set up worked well, for a couple years, Moggy remained quite vocal.
Until I realized he really like to listen to male voices reading the audio books I checked out from the public library to pass the driving time during those multi-thousand mile road trips. This was a great way to travel...once Moggy settled down for the story.
During our last trip to the west coast Moggy decided he was having none of it. I don't know if the altitude hit him hard, if it was the cold, which he normally loves, or the fact that he realized he was religated to the back of the SUV. For whatever reason, Moggy would not quiet himself. In desperation, after trying all the tricks, I placed him in his carrier and repacked the SUV so his carrier faced me from the passenger seat. He cried briefly until he put his paw on my hand and that was the end of it. He was quiet for the rest of that long day of driving. No yowling. No crying. No restlessness. Just sweet quiet contentedness.
The car carrier became his prefered mode of transport. When he stirred and became restless, it was my cue to stop for potty breaks and I would transfer him to the crate until the next stop.
But the furthest Moggy has come in his travel routine is this: every day when I arrive home after work, Moggy has been willingly hopping into the SUV while I gather all my paraphernalia. He's been doing this for several months. This week he stepped it up a notch and refused to exit the SUV. So I've been locking him inside while I unlock the front door, check the mail box, and bring the trash cans back from the road to their storage place. Once I am finally ready to go inside, I pop up the liftgate, and Moggy plays a subdued game of King of the Inside Mountain prior to exiting the SUV.
This two shall pass--one of my Christmas gifts this year is a wearable sling-type carrier. Boy is he in for a surprise!
I started this post a couple days ago. Two nights ago, as I stepped out of the SUV, he moved to where I stepped--yep, his little paw ended up mn under my big foot. He still entered the SUV and performed his "refuse to leave" routine. When he finally came inside with me, rather than giving me a wide berth, he continued to stay underfoot. I think he's actually trying to get back at me by tripping me. 😉
That's okay, the entire Zoo piled in my bed, and snuggled close, when the neighborhood fireworks started tonight.
Looking forward to a fabulous 2021, filled with God's blessings, good health, safety, and lots of travel--have to break the sling--carrier in and get Moggy acclimated to it. 😉