Frazzled? Frenzied? Today I am both. I am Frenzzled.
Richard and I were the only Patient Care Coordinator's for Temple (and for Waco during the morning). From the time I walked on to my war zone ward (it's currently in a state of deconstruction), I put out fires and corrected other people's mistakes--and a couple of my own mistakes. I worked through a grazing lunch at my computer. Richard (and Aretha in the afternoon) took care of a lot of my extra stuff, and I still stayed over an hour late.
After work I had two errands that could not be put off until Friday: spend ten dollars Khol's Cash before it expired tonight, and pick up Thanksgiving Treats for the FurKids.
Khol's parking lot was overflowing, so I headed to PetCo and decided I would return to Khol's after I fed and pottied my hooligans.
I ended up feeding and pottying them, and promptly falling asleep sitting straight up on the sofa. I woke up a little after 9pm with a crick in my neck. Off to Khol's I raced. I had a little les than an hour to spend my Khol's Cash. I had three items in mind. The first one I found would be the lucky winner. Looking at the store map, I saw the layout had changed since my last shopping trip--and I developed the route I would take to minimize distractions.
I walked through the door with just enough time to run my route before they closed.
They didn't have the three items I went for; however, en route to the final item I spied something else that I needed--but which technically could wait since it is cheaper elsewhere--except I had Khol's Cash and only a few minutes left to spend it, so I grabbed the item, without checking the price, and trotted off to the cashier.
The Cashier said it was on sale--half off.
Between my Khol's Cash and the sale I walked out of the store with $20 worth of merchandise...for free. I couldn't even use the percentage off coupon or my rewards money, because they weren't needed. I love a deal.
Now I'm wired.
I could be a really good BiPolar or junkie--when I find a good shopping deal it's like a high that requires more buying and deal finding. I totally "get" addiction and chemical imbalances. Thankfully, I also can usually practice a little restraint, self-control, and delayed gratification.
It's harder during the holidays when everyone around me is frenzy-shopping as well, because it's contagious.
However, the frenzy is fast becoming replaced with the frazzle and I'm winding down.
That's a good thing since I'm covering the whole hospital by myself Thanksgiving.
Welcome to the BOMB.
The Blog Of the "Mother" of Bandit.
The Blog Of the "Mother" of Bandit.
Bandit is my Hairless Chinese Crested--he's the "normal" one. I, on the other hand, am unrepentantly "pet-crazy." You know the type--the spinster who lives in the haunted house three blocks over with 72 cats...okay, so I don't have 72 cats, and my house isn't haunted--but my dogs wardrobe is better than mine! Need I say more? :~)
I've never been consistant at journaling, so the timing of my blogs will be sporadic at best. I just hope they are as entertaining to you as they are to me; however, be forewarned: Most of my blogs will be about The BaldOne. In spite of his Don King "do," I think he's just as cute as any of the Brothers B!
Now, if I can just remember not to get him wet--or feed him after midnight...
About Me

- Loulymar
- My bags are packed and I'm always ready to seek out an adventure with Bandit and Moggy in tow. Bandit is my thirteen year old Chinese Crested, who I frequently call The Bald One or The BaldOne Boy (like he was one of the Baldwin Brothers). Moggy’s full name is Pip-Moggy. He’s my two year old gansta-resuce kitty. I couldn’t decide between Pip (which are the spots on die and domino tiles) and Moggy (or Moggie when I mistakenly thought he was a she), so I combined the two. Moggy refers to the British term for "cat of unknown parentage .” So in essence, I have an almost bald dog, and I’ve named my cat “Spot.”
Fun Stuff (I'm doing now or have done)
- Artistic Attempts weekly (alternating between Painting With A Twist, That Art Place, and Peniot's Palette).
- Bunko with the Belton Bunko Babes monthly.
- Participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
- Spades and Liverpool Rummy with the Spadetts weekly.
- The Mighty Texas Dog Walk, Austin (fund raiser for Service Dogs, Inc--they train shelter dogs to be Service Dogs, then give them free of charge to people with disabilities.)
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
"People Like You"
This month everything expires. Tags, Registration, Insurance (car and home), Driver License, med refills (Moggy, TheGirls, and me), Magazine subscriptions. You name it, if it has an expiration date, the gig will be up by the end of this month.
A panic attack tried to rear its ugly head as I remembered to check my Nursing Licence--I usually procrastinate and do most of my Continuing Education for the two years in October. Or November. Depending on my procrastination level.
I thought I might be in good shape this renewal because I've been reading a lot of Covid articles, but I didn't think I've done a full 20 hours. When I checked it out, I found my RN license is the only thing not expiring this year. And my CEs are in tip top shape. Next year my renewal will be drama-free.
That's a good thing since I had all the drama I care for this year at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Texas is in the process of moving toward a Real ID. If your TDL or state-issued ID card has a star on it, you are good to go. Your renewal is routine.
If you are starless, that would be me, you have to gather all kinds of documentation to prove who you are and you live here legally. The acceptable documentation includes your Birth Certificate, Social Security Number (SSN), utility bill, passport, etc.
The website incorrectly stated if your SSN is in the system, you don't need to have a hardcopy of it, and if you don't have a copy of your Birth Certificate, you can use your passport. Even an expired passport.
I started gathering the items several months ago. I even filled out the application on line and made a hard copy to sign in person at the DMV. I was ready. Early.
I placed my packet of documentation in a safe place.
In my minds eye I can still see the packet. I just can't see its location. And November is almost over.
So I regathered documents and assembled a new packet. This time I added my pasport.
In my local DMV parking lot they have errected banners to inform the public they are only renewing TDLs by apointment. The phone number listed was busy, so I went to the website to make an appointment.
The website is non-functional.
The DMV banner also said to email them if you experience problems with the site. This tells me the DMV already knows there are problems with their site.
I sent an email, stating "I'm in the parking lot now."
I received an automated response saying they would call me within 7 working days.
Not good enough. So I decided to try and bluff my way in. I went to the door, and was covid questioned and temp checked. Then they asked, "What time is your apointment?"
My bravado failed and the stress tears and blubbering explanation ensued:
Website not working...lost packet...upcoming medical proceedures....only day left this month I can do this...
A panic attack tried to rear its ugly head as I remembered to check my Nursing Licence--I usually procrastinate and do most of my Continuing Education for the two years in October. Or November. Depending on my procrastination level.
I thought I might be in good shape this renewal because I've been reading a lot of Covid articles, but I didn't think I've done a full 20 hours. When I checked it out, I found my RN license is the only thing not expiring this year. And my CEs are in tip top shape. Next year my renewal will be drama-free.
That's a good thing since I had all the drama I care for this year at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Texas is in the process of moving toward a Real ID. If your TDL or state-issued ID card has a star on it, you are good to go. Your renewal is routine.
If you are starless, that would be me, you have to gather all kinds of documentation to prove who you are and you live here legally. The acceptable documentation includes your Birth Certificate, Social Security Number (SSN), utility bill, passport, etc.
The website incorrectly stated if your SSN is in the system, you don't need to have a hardcopy of it, and if you don't have a copy of your Birth Certificate, you can use your passport. Even an expired passport.
I started gathering the items several months ago. I even filled out the application on line and made a hard copy to sign in person at the DMV. I was ready. Early.
I placed my packet of documentation in a safe place.
In my minds eye I can still see the packet. I just can't see its location. And November is almost over.
So I regathered documents and assembled a new packet. This time I added my pasport.
In my local DMV parking lot they have errected banners to inform the public they are only renewing TDLs by apointment. The phone number listed was busy, so I went to the website to make an appointment.
The website is non-functional.
The DMV banner also said to email them if you experience problems with the site. This tells me the DMV already knows there are problems with their site.
I sent an email, stating "I'm in the parking lot now."
I received an automated response saying they would call me within 7 working days.
Not good enough. So I decided to try and bluff my way in. I went to the door, and was covid questioned and temp checked. Then they asked, "What time is your apointment?"
My bravado failed and the stress tears and blubbering explanation ensued:
Website not working...lost packet...upcoming medical proceedures....only day left this month I can do this...
(I'm not normally a crier. And I'm not hormonal. So I attribute this chink in my armor to the stress of, at that time, upcoming medical tests--since this visit to the DMV, I'm happy to report all medical tests, procedures, and follow-up appointments have been completed and the results have come back clear.)
"It's okay, we've got an appoinment coming up. You'll be seen today. Have a seat."
An hour later I was called back for my appointment.
That's when I learned the requirements have changed.
I can not use my passport because it's expired (the rule change is not yet reflected on the website). And, although they already have my SSN on file, they still require the hard copy because when they entered it, they entered it verbally. I'm still puzzled over that one since my last renewal was done online. But it wasn't worth the debate, so I skipped that conversation and started back on the fact that I'm rapidly running out of time. My
"It's okay, we've got an appoinment coming up. You'll be seen today. Have a seat."
An hour later I was called back for my appointment.
That's when I learned the requirements have changed.
I can not use my passport because it's expired (the rule change is not yet reflected on the website). And, although they already have my SSN on file, they still require the hard copy because when they entered it, they entered it verbally. I'm still puzzled over that one since my last renewal was done online. But it wasn't worth the debate, so I skipped that conversation and started back on the fact that I'm rapidly running out of time. My
chink grew.
Tears and Blubbering, Round Two:
"But we can use a W2."
I searched my documents and found my 1040.
"No. W2 only."
Really?! My 1040 is a tax document with my full name and full SSN--just like my W2. It should be acceptable
"Yes. We do that for 'people like you'."
People like me?
Surely she did not mean it in a derogatory manner because I procrastinate and am a forgetful scatterbrain.
So, did she mean people like me are reourceful?
Maybe she meant people like me are gainfully employed with a weekday government job, and need weekend hours to conduct business with other governmental agencies.
Or perhaps people like me are tax payors.
I'm going with all of the above:
Tears and Blubbering, Round Two:
"But we can use a W2."
I searched my documents and found my 1040.
"No. W2 only."
Really?! My 1040 is a tax document with my full name and full SSN--just like my W2. It should be acceptable
Brick wall.
Round Three:
"Here's what we'll do, we'll make an appointment for the Saturday before Thanksgiving. It's the last Saturday of the month that we're open. That will give you time to obtain a replacement birth certificate and a copy of your W2."
"Saturday?! Saturdays are an option?" The website does not advertise this tidbit of information. .
Brick wall.
Round Three:
"Here's what we'll do, we'll make an appointment for the Saturday before Thanksgiving. It's the last Saturday of the month that we're open. That will give you time to obtain a replacement birth certificate and a copy of your W2."
"Saturday?! Saturdays are an option?" The website does not advertise this tidbit of information. .
"Yes. We do that for 'people like you'."
People like me?
Surely she did not mean it in a derogatory manner because I procrastinate and am a forgetful scatterbrain.
True, I am a procrastinator and I misplaced my original packet. But don't I get credit for starting my packet early? Also, I gathered the documentation from their list of approved examples. Even though I misplaced the original packet, I was still able to reassemble a packet using the alternate documentation--and I accomplished this prior to the deadline. For me, being within the timeframe without requesting an extension is early.
So, did she mean people like me are reourceful?
Maybe she meant people like me are gainfully employed with a weekday government job, and need weekend hours to conduct business with other governmental agencies.
Or perhaps people like me are tax payors.
I'm going with all of the above:
People like me are gainfully employed, tax-paying, legal resident/citizens who manage to meet deadlines despite their personal flaws and being supplied faulty information.
Whatever she meant, it's all good now. I have my temporary license, albeit with psycho eyes, and I anticipate the hard copy arrival by the end of the month.
And, during the process of writing this blog post, I've remembered two more renewals: my PIV Card at work expires February 2021. Yippee. Big Brother has even more red tape and poorer communication of procedural changes than the great State of Texas.
And I've also received yet another notification that my SUV warranty expires next month...
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Suckered Into An Early Christmas
I love Christmas. The gathering of Family and Friends. The carols, hymns, kids productions, and nativity celebrating the birth of Jesus
The gift giving and gift receiving. The tree. The traditional and not-so traditional food. The smiles and courtesy of stranger toward stranger.
I even look forward to reading the beautiful cards and newsy newsletters outlining the achievements of the pseudo-perfect lives of acquaintances, family and friends.
However, between Halloween and Thanksgiving I'm pretty much a hum-bugger. I don't like to rush into Christmas by bypassing Thanksgiving. "To everything there is a season..."
Having said that, I also realize if I don't purchase Christmas stuff now, it will likely not be available after Thanksgiving, so when I saw a box of beautiful Christmas cards in HEB last week I snapped 'em up.
Those of you who know me, know I have good intentions; however, my follow-thru is sometimes less than desirable, and Christmas sneaks up on me. There have even been times the cards have been mailed the day after Christmas. And several years I just kept them at the ready until the following year.
However, I am determined to break that cycle in this 2020 Covid Year. Everyone needs an old fashioned card.
Having made that decision, I took the box of Christmas Cards to work. It is my plan to address 5-10 cards each day between now and Thanksgiving (either after my tour of duty or on my lunch half-hour), and actually get them in the mail the day after Thanksgiving.
That's the plan.
Tonight I actually got a fairly good start: I wrote short notes and addressed about ten Christmas cards. It took no time at all after my coworkers left for the day, and I wasn't distracted by a TV or Facebook like I am at home. Good plan.
The sad part was realizing many of my contacts have passed away. Or are my physicians. Others only have email, telephone numbers, or old addresses. (So if you want a Christmas card from me, you need to send me your current mailing address--before Thanksgiving--so I have time to purchase more cards. Send the mailing address by email, text, or post it on my FB page with me only as the audiance.)
I am still bah-humming during this inbetween time so I didn't even consider listening to the Christmas Carol channel.
I know the Hallmark TV channel is chalk-full of unabashedly sappy Christmas movies. Nevertheless, when I saw the Hallmark radio channel listed I thought, "Maybe it's a story channel" and I tapped it--exposing my Pollyanna naïveté. Was it a sappy story channel?
It's a Christmas Carol channel in disguise.
And the carol playing was one of my favorites. As was the next. And the next. Before I knew it I had taken a scenic drive, gone through the Chick-fil-A drive-thru for dinner, and was less than one carol away from home. Every Christmas carol had been a sappy schmaltzy version of one of my favorites.
Just like the Hallmark channel movies.
And then the song I was wanting to hear, the song that always puts a smile on my face, came on. Only it was the Gwen Stephani version--which I really liked--but I had my heart set on hearing my all-time favorite verson of "Jingle Bells"--the dorky way Meg Ryan sings it in "Sleepless in Seattle."
"...horses, horses, horses..."
So I got suckered into Christmas before Thanksgiving this year. And when I arrived home I found packages stacked outside my door. Kind of like a Christmas tree.
It appears there is no turning back.
Merry Christmas!
Before Thanksgiving.
The gift giving and gift receiving. The tree. The traditional and not-so traditional food. The smiles and courtesy of stranger toward stranger.
I even look forward to reading the beautiful cards and newsy newsletters outlining the achievements of the pseudo-perfect lives of acquaintances, family and friends.
However, between Halloween and Thanksgiving I'm pretty much a hum-bugger. I don't like to rush into Christmas by bypassing Thanksgiving. "To everything there is a season..."
Having said that, I also realize if I don't purchase Christmas stuff now, it will likely not be available after Thanksgiving, so when I saw a box of beautiful Christmas cards in HEB last week I snapped 'em up.
Those of you who know me, know I have good intentions; however, my follow-thru is sometimes less than desirable, and Christmas sneaks up on me. There have even been times the cards have been mailed the day after Christmas. And several years I just kept them at the ready until the following year.
However, I am determined to break that cycle in this 2020 Covid Year. Everyone needs an old fashioned card.
Having made that decision, I took the box of Christmas Cards to work. It is my plan to address 5-10 cards each day between now and Thanksgiving (either after my tour of duty or on my lunch half-hour), and actually get them in the mail the day after Thanksgiving.
That's the plan.
Tonight I actually got a fairly good start: I wrote short notes and addressed about ten Christmas cards. It took no time at all after my coworkers left for the day, and I wasn't distracted by a TV or Facebook like I am at home. Good plan.
The sad part was realizing many of my contacts have passed away. Or are my physicians. Others only have email, telephone numbers, or old addresses. (So if you want a Christmas card from me, you need to send me your current mailing address--before Thanksgiving--so I have time to purchase more cards. Send the mailing address by email, text, or post it on my FB page with me only as the audiance.)
I do not use messenger.
All of that to say: This year I started Christmas before Thanksgiving.
To compound my error, I got suckered into listening to Christmas carols on the drive home tonight.
I heard an advertisement that Sirus was free between now and Christmas, so I checked it out--usually it's just a come on. They actually had several of my favorote stations to choose from: 70s, Broadway, Big Band, Christmas, Sinatra, and Hallmark. I can reveal this because I'm secure in my musical geekiness. I also listen to the family friendly comedy channel. I wish Sirus also had a Barbershop channel.
All of that to say: This year I started Christmas before Thanksgiving.
To compound my error, I got suckered into listening to Christmas carols on the drive home tonight.
I heard an advertisement that Sirus was free between now and Christmas, so I checked it out--usually it's just a come on. They actually had several of my favorote stations to choose from: 70s, Broadway, Big Band, Christmas, Sinatra, and Hallmark. I can reveal this because I'm secure in my musical geekiness. I also listen to the family friendly comedy channel. I wish Sirus also had a Barbershop channel.
And a BBC story channel.
I am still bah-humming during this inbetween time so I didn't even consider listening to the Christmas Carol channel.
I know the Hallmark TV channel is chalk-full of unabashedly sappy Christmas movies. Nevertheless, when I saw the Hallmark radio channel listed I thought, "Maybe it's a story channel" and I tapped it--exposing my Pollyanna naïveté. Was it a sappy story channel?
It's a Christmas Carol channel in disguise.
And the carol playing was one of my favorites. As was the next. And the next. Before I knew it I had taken a scenic drive, gone through the Chick-fil-A drive-thru for dinner, and was less than one carol away from home. Every Christmas carol had been a sappy schmaltzy version of one of my favorites.
Just like the Hallmark channel movies.
And then the song I was wanting to hear, the song that always puts a smile on my face, came on. Only it was the Gwen Stephani version--which I really liked--but I had my heart set on hearing my all-time favorite verson of "Jingle Bells"--the dorky way Meg Ryan sings it in "Sleepless in Seattle."
"...horses, horses, horses..."
So I got suckered into Christmas before Thanksgiving this year. And when I arrived home I found packages stacked outside my door. Kind of like a Christmas tree.
It appears there is no turning back.
Merry Christmas!
Before Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Checks and Balances
Checks and balances can be annnoying, and tedious; however, they can also prevent mishaps.
A while back I had an RFA (Radiofrequency Ablation) of my Right Lesser Saphinous Vein (calf down to ankle). Today I went in for the same procedure on my Left Greater Saphinous Vein (left groin down the whole leg).
Basically in an RFA a thin catheter is inserted in the vein and radiofrequency energy (rather than laser) is directed through it. The electrical current generates temperatures of 120°C to destroy the vein.
Anyway, during the Time Out I'm giving all my info:
Name, DOB, my understanding of the procedure...yada yada yada...and I started to drift off as they recorded my responses. It didn't help that I kept trying to doze off while I read my book during the lag time between check-in/consenting and the RN site prep--they were running late due to other circumstances, and the "15 minutes" turned into a little over 45 minutes.
I did not do it on purpose. It was an honest mistake. But I was encouraged to see their reaction, because it meant they were paying attention.
The iformation was also written on the whiteboard. Not my name, but the time, procedure, and site:
On a serious note, that's how mistakes are made: tired, stressed, overworked, inattentive folks inadvertently say the wrong thing and, if the checks and balances are not in place and being followed, mistakes are made.
Today I'm glad for the time-consuming and repetitive checks and balances.
A while back I had an RFA (Radiofrequency Ablation) of my Right Lesser Saphinous Vein (calf down to ankle). Today I went in for the same procedure on my Left Greater Saphinous Vein (left groin down the whole leg).
Basically in an RFA a thin catheter is inserted in the vein and radiofrequency energy (rather than laser) is directed through it. The electrical current generates temperatures of 120°C to destroy the vein.
In preparation, two hours before my procedure, I smeared a thick layer of lidocaine cream along the vein line, then wraped my leg in press and seal (so much easier than the saran wrap they tell you to use in the "at home prep directions"--only, I was out of the snowman press and seal I wanted to use--I even went to HEB looking for some on Sunday--so I had to use my plain press and seal). The press and seal keeps the cream on the skin and off the clothes.
In the procedure room they follow up with injectables--these shots and the advancement of the catheter are the most painful--like an annoying Auntie that keeps pinching your cheeks, or a pesky bee stinging you repeatedly.
Anyway, during the Time Out I'm giving all my info:
Name, DOB, my understanding of the procedure...yada yada yada...and I started to drift off as they recorded my responses. It didn't help that I kept trying to doze off while I read my book during the lag time between check-in/consenting and the RN site prep--they were running late due to other circumstances, and the "15 minutes" turned into a little over 45 minutes.
When the Vascular Surgeon asked, "What is the site of todays procedure?"
Without thinking, I tapped my Left leg and popped off "Right Hip."
As soon as the comment exited my mouth, I realized my mistake. My eyes flew open. The rest of the heads in the room popped up like a life-sized "Whack-a-Mole" game. Their eyes swiveled toward me. Everyone was yelling at the same time.
They: "No! No! No! No!"
Me: "No, I mean my LEFT--the one I prepped--I am pointing to it--you know, my OTHER right." And so they would know I was fully awake and in control of my faculties, I reminded them, "You already did the right a few months back."
They calmed down when they realized I was actually taping my Left Groin.
I did not do it on purpose. It was an honest mistake. But I was encouraged to see their reaction, because it meant they were paying attention.
But, it really was kind of comical.
The iformation was also written on the whiteboard. Not my name, but the time, procedure, and site:
On a serious note, that's how mistakes are made: tired, stressed, overworked, inattentive folks inadvertently say the wrong thing and, if the checks and balances are not in place and being followed, mistakes are made.
Today I'm glad for the time-consuming and repetitive checks and balances.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Missed Due Date
I love the library but if I don't keep the loaner books and audio tapes in a special container--the small recyclable HEB shopping bags--I tend to mix them in with my personal books. Which leads to forgetting the due dates, and fine payments. Then I feel bad about wasting my hard earned money, and I lose the escape I get when I read (or listen while traveling). It's a vicious cycle.
The good news: It is finally making a little progress--it showed up in Dallas on Friday the 13th.
I'm wondering if it will make it to me by Thanksgiving, or if I need to take a short drive up the Interstate to retrieve it before Dallas starts to read it.
For my last road trip. I thought I downloaded the audio books to my phone, where my library app is located. But when I hit long stretches of lonely highways with sketchy phone service, I lost the ability to listen to the books. Seems the books were not downloaded, they were streamed.
Streaming takes up way too much of my phone data. I was not pleased. Not being able to listen on lonely streatches of highway sort of defeated the purpose. So my one attempt at borrowing audio books from my local library, while technically successful (I borrowed six books), was infinitely more stressful than rewarding. So much so, I returned all six books after only listening to one book.
But more than the dislike of technology, I love the feel of holding real books, and my prefered mode of purchasing books is to actually go to a brick and mortar bookstore and browse. Sometimes for hours. I rarely leave without a ton of books.
Because the book stores aren't currently allowing for browsing due to Covid, I resorted to my second favorite mode of book purchase and ordered a real book online and awaited its delivery. The transaction occured October 15th.
The book was cheaper on a competitor's site so the purchase did not earn me Rewards, a donation to UMHB was not made, and the delivery date was scheduled eight days out, rather than next day. That made the due date October 23rd.
I normally have good luck with this site, the carrier they used for this purchase, and I have close to one hundred books in my "To Read Stacks," so I chose the cheaper book with longer delivery time. No big deal.
Until it became a big deal.
I normally have good luck with this site, the carrier they used for this purchase, and I have close to one hundred books in my "To Read Stacks," so I chose the cheaper book with longer delivery time. No big deal.
Until it became a big deal.
The carrier used for the transit of my book is usually pretty good about meeting their promised delivery date.
Not this time.
Even with their allotment of eight travel days they missed their deadline. Frankly, eight days is twice as long as this carrier usually takes--even at book rates. But now it's almost a month overdue and I still don't have my book.
I have a theory:
Everyone along the travel route is reading my book.
No. Really. It took them two weeks to read my book before it left Akron. Either several people read it, or the one slow reader kept forgetting where he left it.
Saint Louis must have faster, or more considerate readers, because it only took them one week.
Hazlewwood (Missouri) and Memphis, only kept my book for a day each. I'm not sure if it's because the book didn't find an audience, they had already read it when it was first released, or they were accomplished speed readers. Is the Evelyn Woods Speed Reading Course still taught?
Hazlewwood (Missouri) and Memphis, only kept my book for a day each. I'm not sure if it's because the book didn't find an audience, they had already read it when it was first released, or they were accomplished speed readers. Is the Evelyn Woods Speed Reading Course still taught?
Or maybe they were too intimidated to delay its transit because it has been flagged with a Tracking Research Case.
Eh, probably not, since the case was opened ten days ago and my book is still "in transit."
The good news: It is finally making a little progress--it showed up in Dallas on Friday the 13th.
I'm wondering if it will make it to me by Thanksgiving, or if I need to take a short drive up the Interstate to retrieve it before Dallas starts to read it.
If they haven't already started reading it.
I'm always happy to fill out surveys and rate businesses, especially when I'm pleased with the service or product; however, the carrier really doesn't want me to fill out their survey or rate them this time. I'm unsure which of us would be less pleased--them with my critique, or me with my grossly overdue book.
I'm always happy to fill out surveys and rate businesses, especially when I'm pleased with the service or product; however, the carrier really doesn't want me to fill out their survey or rate them this time. I'm unsure which of us would be less pleased--them with my critique, or me with my grossly overdue book.
It's probably a good thing this was not me returning a late library book--the fine has already escalated to more than the purchase price...
Of a new hard bound book that I could be reading right now.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Life Lesson From The Girls
The Girls of course are my Mother and Daughter, dose of Double Trouble, AKC Champion Hairy Hairless Chinese Cresteds: Kenzie (Mom) and KatiE (Daughter).
Although Bandit, my True Hairless Chinese Crested was a tad bit prissy--he really disliked dirt--The Girls put the capital in Diva. And their prissiness has never been more apparent than after a visit to the groomers.I thought the extra hair they've been sporting since the last professional groom was unwelcome and hot. It was so long it was curling. The straighter hair on their crest (head), plume (tip of the tail), socks (feet), and the fringe on the ears, meeting the curls where they should be hairless, made them kind of scruffy looking. I really couldn't call them my Show Girls--well I could, but people would think I'm living in their past glory days at best--or downright delusional. Truthfully, their Best In Show and AKC Retired Champion titles should be evident--not something that requires explanation.
But more than their looks, their personalities seemed to shine a little dimmer with the extra hair.
It seemed like they felt they are a little bit less special than they are.
I also thought they might be hot since they spent less time outside, and more in the air conditioning lying on the cool floor tiles. Or maybe the blues set in--blues as in depression, not blues as in cool tunes--since their gait seemed a little less springy. Although, when I pulled out the tandum leash their bounce picked up a tad. They like going out on walkies.
But the bounce they would get for a simple walk is nothing like the spring in their step today! In fact, all night long, after their day at the Doggie Spa (just the groomers) they pranced around the house. When they went outside to go potty, they did their normal racing around--with plumes flying in the wind current they created, but after they tuckered out some, they still managed to strut around the yard. And I do mean strut--just like they did when they were in the show ring.
The Girls have taught me a valuable life lesson:
Occassional pampering is good for the attitude.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Overreaction--Or Stranger Danger?
Growing up Mama drilled us over and over to ensure we understood the dangers of the world. Maybe I watch entirely too many crime dramas. Or maybe I learned the lessons a little too well--if that's possible--I mean, not every stranger is dangerous. And not everyone offering "free candy" has nefarious motives...right?
Today was a beautiful day for running errands. I wasn't expecting anything to go wrong.
But I got off to a late start--that's normal for me.
Then I took the wrong insurance card to get my SUV inspected--maybe not normal, but not all together unexpected.
Frustrated beyond belief, I found every card going back to my past SUV.
Even with the late start, and the time spent finding the correct insurance policy, I still had time to run another couple errands.
However, when I arrived at WalMart the parking lot was jam packed. The DDP wasn't fortifying me enough to face that crowd.
So I took my book to a very early dinner. Or very late lunch. I'm not sure what the afternoon equivalent of brunch is, but at Denny's or IHOP my meal time would have qualified for the Early Bird Geezer Special.
Immersed in my book, I was caught off guard when he surprized me with his quiet stealthliness.
In fact, I may have startled a little.
And gasped out loud.
Okay, truth be known, my shriek could have awakened the residents of a nearby cemetary.
Today was a beautiful day for running errands. I wasn't expecting anything to go wrong.
But I got off to a late start--that's normal for me.
Then I took the wrong insurance card to get my SUV inspected--maybe not normal, but not all together unexpected.
Frustrated beyond belief, I found every card going back to my past SUV.
I also had the card for the upcoming period which starts on Monday. I just couldn't find the card that proves I have coverage today.
I even checked the emails downloads, and photos on my phone since I have started trying to keep a digital copy handy due to my propensity to misplace the copy I make for my wallet.
And the copy for the file folder I keep in my glove compartment.
And the copy for organizer that used to wrap around the sunvisor. I'm pretty sure I tossed the organizer when the Texas heat relaxed the elastic years ago but when I make my copies, I forget I no longer use the visor organizer and make a copy for it. With all those copies, you'd think at least one would make its way into my SUV or desk file at home.
I even checked the emails downloads, and photos on my phone since I have started trying to keep a digital copy handy due to my propensity to misplace the copy I make for my wallet.
And the copy for the file folder I keep in my glove compartment.
And the copy for organizer that used to wrap around the sunvisor. I'm pretty sure I tossed the organizer when the Texas heat relaxed the elastic years ago but when I make my copies, I forget I no longer use the visor organizer and make a copy for it. With all those copies, you'd think at least one would make its way into my SUV or desk file at home.
Not on this day.
By the time I finally found the policy with the correct dates, I was frazzled--the guys at the Ford Dealership didn't even have to remind me of their courtesy fridge--I went straight for the Diet Dr Pepper I desperately needed to calm my nerves. Then I settled in for a short read in my current legal thriller.
It was a very short read.
Since they extended their Saturday hours and moved into their new garage, I rarely have time to drink all of my DDP. In the past, I've powered through at least two each visit. They may have resorted to hiring more mechanics and techs just to keep their DDP bill down.
By the time I finally found the policy with the correct dates, I was frazzled--the guys at the Ford Dealership didn't even have to remind me of their courtesy fridge--I went straight for the Diet Dr Pepper I desperately needed to calm my nerves. Then I settled in for a short read in my current legal thriller.
It was a very short read.
Since they extended their Saturday hours and moved into their new garage, I rarely have time to drink all of my DDP. In the past, I've powered through at least two each visit. They may have resorted to hiring more mechanics and techs just to keep their DDP bill down.
Even with the late start, and the time spent finding the correct insurance policy, I still had time to run another couple errands.
However, when I arrived at WalMart the parking lot was jam packed. The DDP wasn't fortifying me enough to face that crowd.
So I took my book to a very early dinner. Or very late lunch. I'm not sure what the afternoon equivalent of brunch is, but at Denny's or IHOP my meal time would have qualified for the Early Bird Geezer Special.
Immersed in my book, I was caught off guard when he surprized me with his quiet stealthliness.
In fact, I may have startled a little.
And gasped out loud.
Okay, truth be known, my shriek could have awakened the residents of a nearby cemetary.
But I feel my reaction was totally justified--who could blame me? I was not expecting any one to materialize from out of no where just behind my left shoulder.
What well intentioned person sneaks up on someone from their blind spot?!
Still, I may have over reacted a tad bit when the candy bearing gorilla appeared at my window at Sonic.
After all, it is Halloween.
What well intentioned person sneaks up on someone from their blind spot?!
Still, I may have over reacted a tad bit when the candy bearing gorilla appeared at my window at Sonic.
After all, it is Halloween.
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