Frazzled? Frenzied? Today I am both. I am Frenzzled.
Richard and I were the only Patient Care Coordinator's for Temple (and for Waco during the morning). From the time I walked on to my war zone ward (it's currently in a state of deconstruction), I put out fires and corrected other people's mistakes--and a couple of my own mistakes. I worked through a grazing lunch at my computer. Richard (and Aretha in the afternoon) took care of a lot of my extra stuff, and I still stayed over an hour late.
After work I had two errands that could not be put off until Friday: spend ten dollars Khol's Cash before it expired tonight, and pick up Thanksgiving Treats for the FurKids.
Khol's parking lot was overflowing, so I headed to PetCo and decided I would return to Khol's after I fed and pottied my hooligans.
I ended up feeding and pottying them, and promptly falling asleep sitting straight up on the sofa. I woke up a little after 9pm with a crick in my neck. Off to Khol's I raced. I had a little les than an hour to spend my Khol's Cash. I had three items in mind. The first one I found would be the lucky winner. Looking at the store map, I saw the layout had changed since my last shopping trip--and I developed the route I would take to minimize distractions.
I walked through the door with just enough time to run my route before they closed.
They didn't have the three items I went for; however, en route to the final item I spied something else that I needed--but which technically could wait since it is cheaper elsewhere--except I had Khol's Cash and only a few minutes left to spend it, so I grabbed the item, without checking the price, and trotted off to the cashier.
The Cashier said it was on sale--half off.
Between my Khol's Cash and the sale I walked out of the store with $20 worth of merchandise...for free. I couldn't even use the percentage off coupon or my rewards money, because they weren't needed. I love a deal.
Now I'm wired.
I could be a really good BiPolar or junkie--when I find a good shopping deal it's like a high that requires more buying and deal finding. I totally "get" addiction and chemical imbalances. Thankfully, I also can usually practice a little restraint, self-control, and delayed gratification.
It's harder during the holidays when everyone around me is frenzy-shopping as well, because it's contagious.
However, the frenzy is fast becoming replaced with the frazzle and I'm winding down.
That's a good thing since I'm covering the whole hospital by myself Thanksgiving.
Welcome to the BOMB.
The Blog Of the "Mother" of Bandit.
The Blog Of the "Mother" of Bandit.
Bandit is my Hairless Chinese Crested--he's the "normal" one. I, on the other hand, am unrepentantly "pet-crazy." You know the type--the spinster who lives in the haunted house three blocks over with 72 cats...okay, so I don't have 72 cats, and my house isn't haunted--but my dogs wardrobe is better than mine! Need I say more? :~)
I've never been consistant at journaling, so the timing of my blogs will be sporadic at best. I just hope they are as entertaining to you as they are to me; however, be forewarned: Most of my blogs will be about The BaldOne. In spite of his Don King "do," I think he's just as cute as any of the Brothers B!
Now, if I can just remember not to get him wet--or feed him after midnight...
About Me

- Loulymar
- My bags are packed and I'm always ready to seek out an adventure with Bandit and Moggy in tow. Bandit is my thirteen year old Chinese Crested, who I frequently call The Bald One or The BaldOne Boy (like he was one of the Baldwin Brothers). Moggy’s full name is Pip-Moggy. He’s my two year old gansta-resuce kitty. I couldn’t decide between Pip (which are the spots on die and domino tiles) and Moggy (or Moggie when I mistakenly thought he was a she), so I combined the two. Moggy refers to the British term for "cat of unknown parentage .” So in essence, I have an almost bald dog, and I’ve named my cat “Spot.”
Fun Stuff (I'm doing now or have done)
- Artistic Attempts weekly (alternating between Painting With A Twist, That Art Place, and Peniot's Palette).
- Bunko with the Belton Bunko Babes monthly.
- Participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
- Spades and Liverpool Rummy with the Spadetts weekly.
- The Mighty Texas Dog Walk, Austin (fund raiser for Service Dogs, Inc--they train shelter dogs to be Service Dogs, then give them free of charge to people with disabilities.)
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