Actually, K is for Klutz in the Kitchen.
I don't like to cook, but I have a few go-to, no-fail dishes I cook well. Until recently.
In the past two months my best dish--a flavorful taco soup was tasteless, and I've set off my fire alarm. Multiple times.
The latest debacle involved my instapot. I love cooking with my crock pot, so I thought the instapot would be a cinch.
Don't get me wrong. I like it, but it's different.
I found an all in one instapot recipe for mashed potatoes and meatloaf. It sounded wonderful. At the last minute I decided to change to sweet potatoes. Since I wanted them oven baked I decided to pop the meatloaf in the oven as well. I had just taken a dump cake out of the oven so it was still hot.
Unfortunately, the dump cake was made in a dish too small because the correct sized dish was in use (another dump cake I took to an event). The second dump cake bubbled over. Just a little.
Rather than cooling and cleaning the oven, I went ahead and popped the meatloaf and sweet potatoes in for the cook. A few minutes into the cooking, I thought my eyes were strained. No. The room was getting smokey. About the time I realized it, the alarm sounded.
Not a problem. Well, except it was 10:30 pm. I turned off the screeching alarm, turned on the exhaust fans, and opened the windows to air the place out.
The food was about half cooked. Again, not a problem. I popped the potatoes in the microwave and decided to finish off the meatloaf in the instapot. The meatloaf was still in the original handformed shape for the instapot so I just popped it in, set the time, and left the room.
A couple minutes later I came back and checked the instapot. It said, "burn." That was when I realized I hadn't added the liquid. It wasn't burned.
After adding the liquid and resetting the time I actually ended up with the best, moistest, most flavorful meatloaf I've ever made.
Unfortunately, I don't think I could reproduce the recipe. My neighbors are probably glad. They like to sleep.
Welcome to the BOMB.
The Blog Of the "Mother" of Bandit.
The Blog Of the "Mother" of Bandit.
Bandit is my Hairless Chinese Crested--he's the "normal" one. I, on the other hand, am unrepentantly "pet-crazy." You know the type--the spinster who lives in the haunted house three blocks over with 72 cats...okay, so I don't have 72 cats, and my house isn't haunted--but my dogs wardrobe is better than mine! Need I say more? :~)
I've never been consistant at journaling, so the timing of my blogs will be sporadic at best. I just hope they are as entertaining to you as they are to me; however, be forewarned: Most of my blogs will be about The BaldOne. In spite of his Don King "do," I think he's just as cute as any of the Brothers B!
Now, if I can just remember not to get him wet--or feed him after midnight...
About Me

- Loulymar
- My bags are packed and I'm always ready to seek out an adventure with Bandit and Moggy in tow. Bandit is my thirteen year old Chinese Crested, who I frequently call The Bald One or The BaldOne Boy (like he was one of the Baldwin Brothers). Moggy’s full name is Pip-Moggy. He’s my two year old gansta-resuce kitty. I couldn’t decide between Pip (which are the spots on die and domino tiles) and Moggy (or Moggie when I mistakenly thought he was a she), so I combined the two. Moggy refers to the British term for "cat of unknown parentage .” So in essence, I have an almost bald dog, and I’ve named my cat “Spot.”
Fun Stuff (I'm doing now or have done)
- Artistic Attempts weekly (alternating between Painting With A Twist, That Art Place, and Peniot's Palette).
- Bunko with the Belton Bunko Babes monthly.
- Participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
- Spades and Liverpool Rummy with the Spadetts weekly.
- The Mighty Texas Dog Walk, Austin (fund raiser for Service Dogs, Inc--they train shelter dogs to be Service Dogs, then give them free of charge to people with disabilities.)
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